Taylor Swift on Tuesday addressed her Tampa, Florida fans with an empowering message as she looked back on the trial she was involved in last year involving a Denver radio personality she claimed groped her five years ago. 8月14日,霉霉在她的佛罗里达州的坦帕市个人演唱会回顾了去年胜诉的性骚扰案,为粉丝讲述了很有力量的一段话。五年前,霉霉曾控告大卫·缪勒对其进行了性骚扰。 With Tuesday marking the one-year anniversary of the court's verdict - she won a symbolic $1 against the radio personality - the 28-year-old singer addressed her fans at Raymond James Stadium about the toll the incident - and subsequent legal battle - took on her. 而14号正好是霉霉胜诉的一周年纪念日——她在诉讼中只要求了1美元的赔偿。如今已经28岁的霉霉在雷蒙詹姆士体育场向粉丝陈述了当年的一系列困难和随之而来的法庭争斗。 In 2013, DJ David Mueller grabbed Swift's backside as they posed for a photograph at the Pepsi Stadium. 事情发生在2013年,当时DJ大卫·缪勒在和霉霉拍照时将手放在了她的臀部上。 On Tuesday, Swift said she does not know how her life would have changed if she hadn't been believed. 霉霉说,她不知道如果陪审团不相信她的话,她的生活将成什么样。 'I guess I just think about all the people that weren't believed and the people who haven't been believed and the people who are afraid to speak up because they think they won't be believed,' she said. 她说:“我只是想到了那些曾经不被人们相信的人还有害怕不被理解而不敢发声的人。” 'I just wanted to say I'm sorry to anyone who ever wasn't believed because I don't know what turn my life would have taken if somebody didn't believe me when I said something had happened to me.' “我想对那些不被信任的人说声抱歉,因为我不知道如果当初人们不相信我的话,我的生活会变成什么样子。” Swift shared with her audience her gratitude for their support amid the difficult life experience. 泰勒对粉丝们表示了感谢,感谢他们陪她度过了那些难熬的日子。 (翻译:进击的Meredith) |