We thought that cats were absolutely shameless creatures but it turns out that penguins are no better either. 我们一直都以为猫咪是脸皮最厚的动物,现在才知道,企鹅这种动物也好不到哪里去。 Employees of National Aquarium of New Zealand probably got tired of penguins acting out, so they decided to publically shame them. The employees have been posting photos once a month for a whole year, announcing the offenses penguins have done and gathered a lot of attention. Although nobody could stay mad at these cuties for long, especially when many of them 'know how to penguin' in a right way. 新西兰国家水族馆的职员们对企鹅的戏精行径感到厌倦,他们决定当众羞辱一下它们。这些职员们决定每月上传一次企鹅的操行照片,持续一年,将这些企鹅做过的丑事公之于众。此举吸引了很多目光。不过,对这些萌物,谁都会很快就既往不咎了,尤其它们中不少也懂得摆出一副“企鹅该有的样子”。Scroll down below for hilarious penguin shaming photos and don't forget to upvote your favorites! 往下翻翻,看看这些当众曝光企鹅丑行的搞笑照片,别忘了给你最爱的一张投票哟。
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Tux Pushed Timmy off the pier after it took him an hour to walk there. 把Timmy推进了水池,人家走了一个小时才走到那里! Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Mr Mac Calls out to his blind girlfriend so she can find her burrow easily. 通过叫声给失明的女朋友指路,让她能顺利找到自己的窝 网友评论: Oh, poor Timmy. I hope he finds some suitable revenge for Tux! Mr Mac is a truly great penguin! 可怜的Timmy!我希望他找到某种合适的方法报复一下Tux!Mr Mac真是一个好企鹅!
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Mo Perfected the art of fish stealing-even takes it out of other bird’s mouths 把偷鱼的艺术发展到了新阶段——为艺术献身,直接从其他的企鹅嘴里抢鱼 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Flip Good role model-swim well ,eats nicely, knows how to penguin 操行模范,游泳姿势好,饮食礼仪好,有个正经企鹅的样子 网友评论: "Knowing how to penguin"...gives me hope I can learn how to human. “有个正经企鹅的样子”,这句话让我重拾信心,希望我也能有个正经人的样子。
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Flip Managed to evade the keepers on monthly weighing day 在每月一次称体重的日子成功的从饲养员手中逃脱 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Burny Gave Mo a taste of his own medicine by stealing his fish 以牙还牙,偷吃了Mo的鱼 网友评论: Way to go Flip! Who enjoys monthly weighing day! 好样的,Flip!谁会喜欢每月一次称体重的日子?!
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Burny learing bad habits from Mo. Pecking the others 从Mo那里学到了坏习惯,啄其他企鹅的脸 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Draco Standing up for Timmy when Tux is trying tp push him off the pier 行侠仗义,Tux想把Timmy推进水池的时候,为他挺身而出 网友评论: Oh, Burny, you started out so well. 哦,Burny,一开始你还是个乖宝宝
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Mo Outright obnoxious 非常令人讨厌 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Burny Our newest residengt quickly learned daily routines 新来的家庭成员,很快就了解了一日作息 网友评论: Let's hope Burny doesn't learn how to be naughty next. 让我们默默期待,Burny不会是下一只学坏的企鹅。
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Dora Attacking the male keepers (specially Tall Matt) 袭击男性饲养员(特别是高个儿 Matt) Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Captain Being a good penguin daddy 担当一个企鹅好爸爸 网友评论: Does this mean Short Matt is safe?? 意思是说,名叫矮个儿Matt的饲养员不会被袭击吗?
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Mo Stealing fish off penguins to drop on the sand 从其他企鹅那儿偷鱼,然后丢到沙地上 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Jack Being a diligent egg incubator 不辞辛苦的孵蛋 网友评论: Jack is no doubt a great guy, mate & certainly a father. But Mo has true character. Just makes me wonder who he looks upon there as his truly cruel owner/keeper that is his Ice King; as in Gunter the penguin from Adventure Time! These are so funny. Jack无疑是个好男人,好丈夫,好爸爸。不过Mo才是有个性的企鹅。这让我想到《探险活宝》,如果Mo就是这部动画片里的企鹅Gunter,一定有一个非常邪恶的主人或者饲养员来充当Mo的寒冰王,让Mo可以瞻仰。那会是谁呢?真有趣!
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Dora Being demanding and needing escorting to the feeding station 傲娇难伺候,需要饲养员陪护才肯去食堂 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Lulu Helpful , friendly and co-operative 乐于提供帮助,待人友好,愿意与人合作 网友评论: Aw, Lulu sounds a peach! Poor Dora might have been feeling overwhelmed by Tall Matt again! Lulu听起来像个暖甜小公举!可怜的Dora,也许是高个儿Matt又让她感到有些害怕!
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Timmy Stole fish; pushed another penguin over[/en ]偷鱼;推倒其他企鹅 [en]Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Betty Good swimmer, waited patiently for fish 游泳姿势好;吃鱼的时候愿意耐心排队等待 网友评论: I wonder if the penguin Timmy pushed over was Tux for revenge for pushing him off the pier. 不知道Timmy推倒的企鹅是不是就是Tux,目的是报复后者曾经把它推下水。
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Pepper Playing with their food Dropping their food 玩食物,丢食物 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Captain Punctual, eats first and leaves first 按时吃饭,第一个开动,第一个离席 网友评论: Poor Pepper might just be clumsy! 或许可怜的Pepper只是有点笨手笨脚。
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Timmy Went swimming during his moult 脱毛期间去游泳 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Pepper Ate from a member of the public during an encounter for the 1st time 第一次跟公共游客见面 网友评论: Molting is itchy. Water is soothing. Can't blame Timmy for that! 脱毛季肯定很痒,在水里会舒服一些。不能因为这个责怪Timmy!
Naughty penguin of the month 本月坏企鹅 Mr Mac Being en egg-hogger and not swimming enough 弄碎了企鹅蛋,而且不好好游泳 Good penguin of the month 本月好企鹅 Timmy Learning to feed in the water and being a strong swimmer 学着在水里吃东西;成长为了游泳健将 网友评论: Egg-hogger! How is that different to being a diligent egg incubator? Poor Mr Mac! 弄碎了企鹅蛋?这跟乖乖孵蛋的行为也差太多了!可怜的Mr Mac!
(翻译:小木) |