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In case you need another reason to be jealous of a toddler, Princess Charlotte, three-year-old human, has officially taken up one of Queen Elizabeth's favorite hobbies. The young royal has started horseback riding, Town & Country reports.

好了你现在又有一个新的理由来嫉妒三岁的夏洛特小公主,她现在继承了伊丽莎白女王最喜欢的爱好。根据Town & Country的报道,这位年轻的王室成员开始骑马了。

The Queen, who is 92 now, still rides regularly, and has been an avid rider for years.


Just imagine Elizabeth and Charlotte sharing this loving look on horseback:



Riding is a favorite hobby among royals in general. Charlotte's big brother, Prince George, reportedly took up the sport at an even younger age—two.


"William and Kate were keen to get George on a horse once he was walking confidently," a source told the Daily Mail of the young prince in December 2015. "George loved his first ride–he was led around a paddock on a rein and shrieked with delight. William and Kate were both there to watch."


Others close to the royals have shared stories of Charlotte's love for riding.


Natasha Baker, a decorated Paralympic Equestrian, got a chance to speak with Kate Middleton during an event with honoring Olympians and Paralympians at Buckingham Palace. During the conversation, Charlotte's love for horseback riding came up.

残奥会马术运动员Natasha Baker在白金汉宫宣扬奥运会和残运会的一次活动上和凯特聊天。期间,了解到夏洛特喜欢骑马一事。

"I asked her how the children were, and she said Charlotte is really enjoying her riding which is great to hear," Nastasha said of the chat, according to The Mirror.


