50 Thought Provoking Questions About Life (Part: 1) 50个关于人生的难题(一) 1. When was the last time you tried something new? 你上一次尝试新东西是什么时候? 2. What makes you want to do better? 是什么让你想做得更好? 3. What do you love to do? Do you do it often? If the answer is no, why not? 你喜欢做什么?经常做这件事吗?如果答案是否定的,为什么? 4. What can you do today that you could not do a year ago? 你现在做的是什么事情是你一年前做不到的? 5. Where do you see yourself in one year? five years? ten years? 你一年后对自己的定位是什么?五年后的呢?十年后的呢? 6. Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗? 7. What would you do different if you were reborn? 如果让你重新来过你想要做哪些不同的事情? 8. Have you done anything lately worth remembering? 最近你有做过什么让你难忘的事吗? 9. What are you excited about? 什么会让你觉得兴奋? 10. What’s your biggest problem? 你最大的难题是什么? 11. When was the last time you traveled somewhere new? 你上一次去一些没去过的地方旅行是什么时候? 12. What would you regret not doing? 你后悔没有做过事情的什么? 13. What makes you smile? 什么事情让你微笑? 14. If the average lifespan was 50 years, would you do anything differently? 如果人的平均寿命是50岁,你想做些不同的事情吗? 15. What do you want most out of life? 你最想要的生活中稀缺的东西是什么? 16. What impact do you want to leave in the world? 你想给世界留下什么影响? 17. What do you want to be remembered by? 你想要被人因为什么记得? 18. If all came back around to you, would it help you or hurt you? 如果一切轮回,对你有利还是让你受伤? 19. If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing, what would you change? 如果你有机会回到从前去改变一件事,你会改变什么? 20. What stands between you and happiness? 是什么阻挡着你的幸福? 21. If a doctor gave you one year to live, what would you try to accomplish? 如果医生说你剩下一年的生命,你会尝试完成哪些事情? 22. What do you like most about yourself? 你最喜欢自己的哪一点? 23. What do you have that you cannot live without? 你拥有的生命中不可或缺的是什么? 24. When you close your eyes what do you dream of? 你闭上眼睛的时候回梦想什么? 25. If you could ask one person, dead or alive, one question, who would you ask and what would you ask? 如果你可以问一个人一个问题,死去的人也好,活着的人也好,你会问谁,问什么?