Donald Trump has cancelled an upcoming trip to Ireland – with massive protests having already been planned to greet him. 唐纳德•特朗普取消了计划的爱尔兰之行——因为针对他的大规模抗议已经开始酝酿。 The president was expected to visit the country after celebrating Armistice Day in France on 11 November. Activists had begun planning massive demonstrations across Ireland for Mr Trump’s arrival, as opposition parties immediately protested the planned trip when it was announced earlier this year. 特朗普总统原定于11月11日在法庆祝休战纪念日后拜访爱尔兰。激进人士已经准备在全国范围内举行大规模抗议活动。今年早些时候宣布特朗普来访计划后,反对党立即表示抗议。 The president was reportedly planning a state visit in Dublin before departing for Doonbeg, where he owns a golf course. 据报道,特朗普总统计划先对都柏林(爱尔兰首都)进行国事访问,下一站敦贝格(他在那里拥有一个高尔夫球场)。 The Irish Independent first reported the cancellation, claiming the move came as an apparent surprise to the Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar. 《爱尔兰独立报》率先报道了此次行程的取消,声称此举对爱尔兰总理利奥•瓦拉德卡来说,无疑是意料之外的。 It remains unclear why exactly the trip has now been called off, however. Initial reports indicated the White House was still determining whether or not the president would visit Ireland. 爱尔兰之行的取消原因还不明了。早前的一些报道表明,就总统是否会访问爱尔兰一事,白宫仍在考虑。 “The president will travel to Paris in November as previously announced,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. “We are still finalising whether Ireland will be a stop on that trip. As details are confirmed we will let you know.” “总统将按照此前宣布的行程,于11月出访巴黎,”白宫新闻秘书莎拉•哈克比•桑德斯在声明中说道,“爱尔兰是否列入行程还没定案。一旦敲定,将告知大家。” The Irish Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin previously described Mr Trump as being “no friend of democracy and human rights” encouraging constituents to protest the president's visit. 爱尔兰劳工党领导人布兰登•豪林曾将特朗普总统描述为“对民主与人权不感冒”,以此来鼓动选民们抗议其此次访问。 The president’s last visit to the UK was marked by massive protests following his every move, with demonstrations throughout London and Scotland. 上一次英国之行中,特朗普总统的一举一动都伴随着遍及伦敦及苏格兰的大规模抗议。 (翻译:everaining) |