The actress who kick-started the exposure of Hollywood moguls who allegedly exploited positions of power to abuse women has branded #MeToo campaigners against sex attackers 'losers'. 揭露好莱坞流氓的女星发起了MeToo行动,意在揭露高层性侵女性事件,表示性侵者都是“失败者”。 Rose McGowan accused producer Harvey Weinstein of rape this time last year, sparking an avalanche of allegations in the entertainment industry and beyond. 去年此时,罗丝·麦高恩以强奸罪控告制作人哈维·韦恩斯,在娱乐圈引发轩然大波,众多控告纷至沓来。 As stars such as Kevin Spacey and Morgan Freeman were alleged to have assaulted or harassed performers, activists began using the hashtag to share their ordeals online. 凯文·史派西、摩根·弗里曼这样的明星也难逃一劫,被指控性侵演员,积极的网友在网上用标签分享各自的心路历程。 But McGowan has slammed the movement as 'bull****' in today's Sunday Times Magazine, which comes the day after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice in the face of historic sexual assault allegations he denies. 今日,麦高恩在杂志Sunday Times Magazine上对性侵维权运动做出不雅评论,头一天布雷特·卡瓦诺法官刚在最高法院中宣誓就职,并于当天否认了性侵控告。 After year of stars such as Salma Hayek and Gwyneth Paltrow claiming to be vistims of harassment, McGowan has said she understands why Donald Trump supporters hate Hollywood, whose apparent liberalism she says is fake. 数年来,莎尔玛·海雅克和格温妮丝·帕特洛都是性侵的受害者,麦高恩表示,她明白特朗普的支持者都憎恨好莱坞,因为他们的自由主义都是假的。 On the subject of #MeToo, she said: 'I just think they're douche bags. They're not champions. I just think they're losers. I don't like them. 提到MeToo行动,麦高恩说:“他们都是混蛋,不是冠军,一群失败者,我不喜欢他们。” 'How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women's magazines and no women's organisations have supported me? “我都不知道要怎么解释拿了年度风云人物奖之后,还是没有女性杂志和组织支持我的事。” 'It's all bullshit. It's a lie. It's a Band-Aid lie to make them feel better. I know these people, I know they're lily-livered, and as long as it looks good on the surface, to them, that's enough.' “狗屎。都在说谎,都是权宜之计,他们不过是想让自己好受些,我知道这些人都是胆小鬼,只要表面上看起来能凑合,对他们来说这就够了。” McGowan was born into the polygamous Children of God Cult and ran away from home in her teens. 麦高恩出生于多配偶制的邪教家庭,少年时离家出走。 She suffered anorexia while in an abusive relationship after she arrived in Los Angeles. 到达洛杉矶后在一段虐恋中遭受了厌食症。 The Death Proof star's early success was on the independent film circuit. But then she met Harvey Weinstein in a hotel room and it is there that she alleges he raped her. 麦高恩早年的成功依靠于发行独立电影,当时她在酒店房间遇到哈维·韦恩斯坦,就是在那间房里遭受了性侵。 The media mogul is accused of blacklisting the actress after the meeting as well as deploying former Mossad agents to follow her and steal her memoir's manuscript. 哈维·韦恩斯坦被指控此后将麦高恩列入了黑名单,同时雇佣莫萨德机构跟踪麦高恩,窃取她的纪念手稿。 McGowan has also hit out at Meryl Streep, saying that it is 'literally impossible' the actress knew nothing of Weinstein's sexual proclivities until last autumn. 麦高恩同时爆出梅丽尔·斯特里普),说梅丽尔去年秋天才知道韦恩斯坦性侵癖好这件事“根本不可能”。 Though she says 'women have a tight to be angry', McGowan says #MeToo activists have 'sold themselves a fiction' rather than face up to the true nature of Hollywood. 麦高恩说“让女性发怒还很难”,MeToo支持者“为自己编写了一部小说”,并没有直面好莱坞的本质。 (翻译:阿忙) |