Judging people by their favorite things is not new, especially now when friendships are made on the basis of one's favorite soda or social media platform. Things would be much easier if we'd get to automatically know someone's top 5 things, like their favorite meals, TV shows or places to hang out in. 当下的时代,人与人之间建立友谊的基础已经变成了喜欢的苏打水口味是否一致,或者使用的社交网平台是否一致,所以,通过某个人最喜欢什么东西来评价对方,这并不新奇。如果我们每次遇到一个新朋友,就能自动获悉他最喜欢的食物名单、电视剧名单或者娱乐场所名单中名列前5的是什么,交起朋友来就更方便啦。 One Reddit user decided to put his own spin on the concept of 'top 5' and asked people to list five things without revealing the category so he could guess it. 一个社交网用户决定“名单前5名”的想法设计一个游戏,他请网友们在心中想一种事物的类别,然后列出这一类别下的5样东西,然后他本人来猜这5样东西属于什么类别。 Turns out, it proved to be one of the most hilarious threads in a while with some brilliant replies and references. Scroll down below to check some of the best answers out and don't forget to vote and comment on your favorites. 结果,这个帖子成为了时下最爆笑的社交网游戏,不少网友发布了许多经典的神回复和神段子。往下翻翻,看看这些精妙的恢复,别忘了投票,并且在你最喜欢的一则下面进行回复哟。
1. Blind, deaf, missing limbs, old, returned 眼花耳聋、昏聩不堪、残肢断腿、老态龙钟、重返故里 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five descriptions for residents of Florida 形容佛罗里达州居民最贴切的五个形容词 网友评论:Yep, an 80-some year old and a 90-some year old assessing the damage to their Cadillacs from their walkers. (This really happened in Florida). 是的,一个80岁的老人和一个90岁的老人驾车的时候相撞了,他们要评估一下一辆沃克斯对一辆凯迪拉克造成的损坏程度。(这事真的在佛罗里达州发生了!)
2.Never gonna give you up 永远,不会,松开,你的,手(《Never Gonna Give You Up》是Rick Astley演唱的歌曲) 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five ways to let me down 让我锁紧我的心扉的五种最好的方法 网友评论:He turned that around 神反转!
3.Dragonfruit, mango, pineapple, honeydew melon, apple 火龙果,芒果,凤梨,蜜瓜,苹果 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five fruits to put on pizza to really piss off your friends 加在披萨里一定能气死你的朋友们的水果前五名 网友评论:Girlfriend's toothpaste. 我猜是女朋友最喜欢的牙膏口味。
4.Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Isle of Man 保加利亚,西班牙,希腊,土耳其,英属曼岛 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top destinations for your orgy 最适合去狂欢的地方前五名 网友评论:Top 5 betting odds for the next World Cup. 下一届世界杯开赛时,最应该下赌注的五支球队
5.Green,blue,black,yellow,pink 绿色,蓝色,黑色,黄色,粉色 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Power rangers 《超级战队》(日本动漫,主角的作战服分别有五种颜色) 网友评论:最近制造的淤伤的颜色
6.Pesto, Mozzarella,Sushi, French fries, black cat 香蒜沙司,马苏里拉奶酪,寿司,薯条,黑猫红酒 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five drunk foods 五种当你喝醉时最受欢迎的食物 网友评论:An old salt, ( must have been 23 or 24) once told me to only eat soft food when you're getting drunk. Worked for me. 曾经有一位老司机(大概23、24岁的样子)曾经告诉我,喝醉后只能吃流食,这个建议对我非常有用。
7.神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five characters in a language OP can’t understand and can’t translate on mobile 手机操作系统不能理解,也无法翻译的中文字前五名 网友评论:literally translated, it's sky, ground, king, box box 逐字翻译,这五个字的意思分别是,天空,大地,国王,箱子,箱子
8. Legally Blonde, The Devil Wears Prada, Inside Out, Sliver Linings Playbook, Big Hero 6 《律政俏佳人》,《时尚女魔头》,《头脑特工队》,《失恋自作业》,《超能陆战队》 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five movies with strong, independent women who don’t need no man 女主角坚强,独立,不需要倚靠男人的电影前五名 网友评论:movies my wife watches when i am out with the guys. 我出门跟哥们聚会时我妻子会看的电影。
9.Zixnhht the beloved, gozxxyt the enraged, guozygote the creator, yizxina the earth-mother, and xyqrer the confused. 被爱的Zixnhht,gozxxyt诸神之怒,创始者guozygote,yizxina是地母,只是当时已惘然的xyqrer 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Top five names for your wing dang doodle 你的逗比网友最喜欢起的网名前五位 网友评论:Xyqrer the confused. I own that one. 只是当时已惘然的xyqrer,这不是我的网名吗
10.Ariana Grande, almond ice cream, c-vitamin, water melon juice and Africa by Toto 爱莉安娜·格兰德(美国新生代歌手),杏仁口味冰淇淋,维他命c,西瓜汁,Toto乐队演唱的《非洲》 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Things to make sure you get enough of 一定要多听,多吃,多摄取,避免缺乏的人或物 网友评论:Yes, and don't spend too much time on your laptop, rather than going outside! 没错,还要多记住,不要沉溺于电脑,要多出门走走!
11.V, IV, VI,III, II 第五部,第四部,第六部,第三部,第二部 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Civilization games. 最经典的《文明》游戏版本(当前为数不多仍在流行的单机回合战略电子游戏) 网友评论:Star wars sequels!! 最经典的《星球大战》续集前五名
12.Youth of today, Quicksand, Rival Schools, Gorilla Biscuites, Warzone 当代青年,小甜甜的《流沙》,私立学校,朋克乐队,战争地带 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Things Grandma has been kvetching about on facebook ever since her Alzheimer’s flared up 奶奶的老年痴呆症加剧之后,就一刻不停的抱怨的事物前五名 网友评论:Top 5 documentaries of 2018 见证2018年的五大标志性事物
13.Chicken wings,mozzarella sticks, hamgurgers, french fries, chicken tenders 鸡翅膀,马苏里拉芝士条,汉堡包,薯条,酥炸鸡柳 神回复:(这五样东西属于)Comfort food 疗愈食物 网友评论:What i wish i could eat every day with 0 calories. 那些我希望每天吃,还能不摄入卡路里的食物
(翻译:小木) |