Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and aren't going to let a downpour stop them from a little royal tour PDA! 哈里王子和梅根马克尔才不会因为一场倾盆大雨阻止他们在王室访问中秀恩爱。 During their visit to Dubbo, Australia, on Tuesday, the newlyweds, who announced they are expecting a baby in spring,were met by some unexpected showers. And it was a welcome surprise for the farming community of Dubbo, who has experienced major drought issues over the past several years. 这对新人刚刚宣布在明年春天会迎来他们的孩子。在他们周二出访澳大利亚达博市时,碰到一场始料未及的雨。对于这个农业城市来说真是一场惊喜,因为他们已经连续几年遭到大干旱。 The prince kept his pregnant wife dry as they sweetly shared the same umbrella. Before giving a speech to the crowd, he gave the umbrella to Meghan so she could stay dry. 当两人甜蜜地撑起一把伞的时候,王子还是竭力让自己怀孕的妻子不被淋湿。在向人群发言之前,王子把伞给了梅根,这样她就不会淋湿了。 But Meghan wasn't about to let her husband get all wet, so she followed him to the podium and protected him from the rain as he spoke to the locals who had come out to see them. 但是梅根也不想让自己的丈夫淋个湿透,于是他也跟随丈夫来到发言台,保护他在对来看他们的当地民众发言的时候不被淋湿。 And when they each walked under their own umbrellas later in the day, they still managed to stay close by holding hands. 之后两人各自都有了一把伞之后,两个人还是仅仅挨着,牵着手。 As soon as they went public with their romance last year, it was clear that they were not afraid to show PDA . And those displays of affection have continued since Meghan became an official royal five month ago. 去年两人的恋爱公布以后,他们就不介意在公开场合秀恩爱了,而且这个势头自5个月以前梅根正式成为皇室成员之后也一直保持。 Those moments of intimacy have been on display at almost every event they've attended together (aside from their apprearance alongside the Queen!) 几乎在任何两人同时参与场合都能看到其亲密举动(甚至连女王在场都不例外)。 “They are not afraid to hold hands. They don't mind showing their emotions,” veteran royal photographer, Mark Stewart. 一位资深皇室摄影师Mark Stewart说:“他们从来不羞于牵手,也大方表现自己的情绪。” (翻译:林浔鸥) |