首先,不要激动,不要害臊,不要羞耻,并不是只有你一个人对这个问题感兴趣,全世界的互联网上早已有很多人搜过这个问题了。 In fact, if you Google "How many calories does farting burn," you'll find an oft-repeated rumor claiming that one fart burns 67 calories. 如果你去谷歌上搜“放一个屁可以燃烧多少卡路里”,你会发现有一个反复流传的说法声称是67卡路里。 然后你就会想,这么精确的数字是不是太可疑了?放屁真的能燃烧卡路里? 额,我们今天就来看一点正经的专家说法吧。 首先我们来弄清楚一个基础问题:放屁到底是个什么概念? To sufficiently answer this question, first you have to understand how your body actually creates a fart. 想要充分解答这个问题,你首先要明白你的身体是如何制造出一个屁的。 "Farting is the natural act of passing intestinal gasses through the anus. Farts are largely made up of swallowed air, chemical reactions during digestion, and additional contributions by bacteria in our gut. "放屁是肠道气体从肛门排出的正常现象。屁的主要来源是你吞进肚子的空气、消化过程中的化学反应以及你肠道中细菌的贡献。 As the bacteria in your intestines feast on the food that your body doesn’t, your stomach produces gas. Along with food that is being digested, gasses including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane build up within your intestines and move out via peristalsis towards your anus. 当你的肠道菌群消化吃掉那些你自身不消化的食物时,你的肚子里就会产生气体。这些,再加上你消化的食物,就会让你的肠道囤积起气体,这些气体包括二氧化碳、氮气、氢气和甲烷,这些气会经由肠道蠕动被送去肛门。 有一点不用说,那就是你的饮食在很大程度上决定着气体的量。 "High FODMAP foods [i.e. added sweeteners, stone fruits, dairy products, and legumes], fermentable carbohydrates (Fermentable oligo-, di-, and mono-saccharides) are poorly absorbed, and are subsequently rapidly fermented by gut bacteria. This process produces gases leading to symptoms including bloating and distention. Beans, cauliflower and broccoli are among the well-known offenders, as well as dairy products, especially for people who are lactose intolerant. "富含低聚糖的食物(比如甜味剂、有核水果、乳制品还有豆类)以及发酵性的碳水化合物都不容易被吸收,因此会很快在肠道菌群的作用下发酵。这个过程会产生气体,并引发像胀气一类的症状。豆类、花菜和西兰花是出了名的产气食品;乳制品也是,特别是对那些乳糖不耐受的人。 那么问题来了,放屁能不能减肥呢??? 很不幸,不行,正常的人每天大约能放14次屁,而这显然没有给大多数人带来什么减肥效果。 当你放屁的时候,你可能以为是你的肌肉在发力,但实际上情况恰好相反。 "The release of farts is directed by relaxation of the anal sphincter. When the muscles relax, the gas pressure from within the colon expels the gas. The only way you would achieve even a modestly quantifiable number of calories burned by farting is if you maximally strained your abdominal muscles to release a fart — an unlikely scenario, aside from when exercising. "放屁是靠肛门括约肌松弛下来。当这里的肌肉放松时,大肠内的气压就会把气体怼出去。如果你想在这个过程中燃烧点看得到的卡路里,唯一的方法是极力收缩腹肌来放一个屁——这在锻炼以外的时候基本上没理由发生。 这就是为什么你在健身的时候可能会放更多屁。因为你在收缩核心区域的时候可能会挤压到腹腔,从而把气体挤出来。实际上,有氧运动总体上都能促进食物和气体在消化道中移动,因此都有促进放屁的功能。 所以,我们的结论就是:放屁并不能帮你减肥,不过运动减肥可能会让你放更多屁。
OK,来讲讲今天的词 Fart 这个词的意思就是“放屁”,而且尤指“放响屁”,比较委婉的说法是 break wind
那么,我们来造个句子吧~ If you say somebody is farting around, you mean he is wasting time by bahaving in a silly way. 如果你说某人 fart around,你的意思是他游手好闲、无所事事。