Gucci最近出了一双训练鞋(trainer),售价1,070欧元,也就是差不多8500块RMB。 而消费者们却纷纷说,这真是开天辟地头号丑到吐(the most disgusting ever)的鞋子。 就是这个: 这双鞋是Gucci最新系列 Flashtrek 的一个单品,据说其灵感源自登山靴(hiking boots) 如果你嫌这鞋子本身并没有系列名称里说的那么“闪”(flashy),你还可以多花365欧元买一条珠光宝气的束带。 The oversized footwear is the latest in the current trend of statement sneakers, and they are certainly a blingy alternative if you’re after a bit of sparkle on your ‘dad’ trainers. 这个巨大款的鞋子是在赶最近那种声明式运动鞋的风潮,如果过你想在你家的老头鞋上加点亮,这款鞋子绝对是个足够闪的选择。 而且Gucci似乎对这个闪到爆的设计很满意,他们在官网上是这么写的: ‘crystals set in engraved metal casings, embroidered onto a removable elastic strap that wraps around the shoe. Featuring a mix of metallic leather, mesh and reflective fabric, the accessory is defined by the Gucci patch with the graphic font of SEGA.’ 金属镶嵌的水晶,用刺绣的方式装在了一条环绕鞋体的可拆卸束带上。还配有金属质感的皮革、网眼、反光性面料。这件配饰的点睛之笔是Gucci那招牌式的SEGA字体。 但是,这么梦幻的一双鞋子收到的评价却两极分化。似乎并不是每个人都想穿着一双珠光宝气的巨大鞋子招摇过市。 不少人还说它那个金光亮瞎的束带看起来就是Caramac牌的巧克力条。 许多消费者不敢相信自己的眼睛,纷纷到Facebook上去吐槽。 One said, ‘maybe I’m just hungry but those soles remind me of Caramacs.’ 一个人写到:“可能是我太饿了,但那个鞋底让我想到了Caramac的巧克力。” Another commented, ‘didn’t know the latest in fashion colour scheme was inspired by the chocolate bar Caramac.’ 另一个人写到:“我还不知道最新的流行色灵感是Caramac的巧克力条呢。” 类似的评论都多到能拍个连续剧了。 另外,大家集中吐槽的也不只是巧克力这一点,网友们集中吐槽的还有它那个“灵感来自登山靴”。 One woman said, ‘Inspired by the hiking world??? What kind of hike would that be?’ with another responding, ‘I would think that would be a price hike. A massive one.’ 一位女士写到:“灵感来自登山?这算哪门子登山啊?”而一条评论回复到:“他们登的是物价上涨的山吧,而且还是很大的一座。” 是的,这确实是个问题。 OK,那么最后再来介绍一下网友们一直在说的那个 Caramac 巧克力吧。 Caramac is the brand name for a caramel-flavoured bar that was created by Mackintosh's, and is now manufactured by Nestlé. It was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. The name is derived from the syllabic abbreviation of Caramel and Mackintosh. Caramac是麦金托什公司生产的一种焦糖巧克力条的品牌,现在则由雀巢公司制造。它最早是1959年在英国面世的。其名称是焦糖caramel和麦金托什Mackintosh的音节缩写。 The bar is a pale yellow colour, and is manufactured using sweetened condensed milk, butter, various flavourings, and sugar. It is packaged in an orange-red and yellow wrapper. 这是一种浅黄色的巧克力条,制作时用了甜炼乳、黄油、多种调味料和糖。其包装是一层橙红与黄色相间的包装纸。 Caution: It is a kind of food that is super high in calories. 需要提起注意的是,这种食品的卡路里相当高哦。 Emmm, not quite a good message for a fashion brand, right? 嗯,一个时尚品牌联想到这种东西,好像不是个好兆头?
OK,来讲讲今天的词 Alternative 这个词的意识是“选项”、“可供选择的可能性”,它可以直接作名词,也可以作形容词。
那么,我们来造个句子吧~ Do you have an alternative solution? 你有别的解决方案吗?