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药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)

儿童用品商店 children's goods shop

妇女用品商店 women's goods shop

钟表店 watch and clock ship

文具店 stationer's (stationery shop)

日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop

炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop

家用器具商店 household utensils shop

五金商店 metal products shop

家具店 furniture shop

眼镜店 eyeglasses store

玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store

爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop

电器商店 electrical appliance shop

油漆店 paint shop

化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop

地产建材商店 native building materials store

照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer's)

旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)

寄卖商店 commission shop

综合修理店 general repair shop (service)

工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop

花店 flower shop

古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop

香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)

售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand

茶馆 tea house

理发店 barber's shop (hairdresser's)

洗澡堂 bath house

旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel

邮局 post office

七、中国人民团体People's Organizations of China

测绘学会 Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
