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share my thoughts with you 和您谈谈我的想法
洗耳恭听 I’d like to listen to …
foreign firm 外国公司
investment destination 投资目的地
翻了两番 quadruple
投资热 investment fever
对外全面开放 open the whole country up to the outside world
沿海城市 coastal cities
内地 interior areas
有利可图 profitable
I’m all ears to… 愿闻其详
最大程度 maximum
发挥有关双方的优势 bring the strengths of both parties concerned into full play
幅员辽阔 massive land, vast expanse
税收 taxation
消费者市场 consumer market
基础设施 infrastructure
诱人的投资政策 attractive investment policies
资金 funds
管理知识 management knowledge, managerial expertise
研究资料 literature
利润 profits
合资/独资企业 joint venture, jointly-funded enterprise/exclusively foreign-funded enterprise
enlightening 有启迪的
consultant 顾问
