3.Passage Translation 1) Women don't fall in love as easily as men do. 女人并不像男人那样容易陷入爱河/爱上对方。 Men tend to be romantics,often falling in love more quickly than women, who tend to focus on practical considerations in choosing a mate. 男人倾向于浪漫,经常比女人更快陷入爱河而女人在选择伴侣时倾向于注意考虑实际问题。 Women are looking for long-term qualities in a partner. 女人在伴侣身上寻求专一的品质。 For more than men, they allow their heads to control their hearts. 比起男人,她更能够让理智控制情感。 Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks,can I count on this man? 即便女人渴望爱情,她们会自己问自己:我能指望这个男人吗? So any man who hopes to sweep a woman off his feet had better lengthen his timetable, and pay as much attention to characteristics such as kindness and dependability as he does to his hair, his clothes and his savoir-faire. 因此想要让女人对己倾心的男人最好延长他的追求时间,就像注重自己的发型、服饰和社交方式一样,尽量表现出诸如体贴、可靠等特点来。 2)老人说:“我们北方人都喜欢睡炕,你也将就点儿吧。俗话说'入乡随俗'嘛。” The old man said ,“we northerners like to sleep on our Kangs.You'll have to put with it.As the proverb goes,'do as the Romans do'.” 乍看之下,这句话没有问题,但是细读之后,发现有点儿奇怪,问题在于“入乡随俗”,do as the Romans do的确是入乡随俗的意思没错,但是根据所在句子的具体语境,由一个东北老人说出来似乎有点儿奇怪。所以这里最好改成“do as local people do”,翻译句子时一定要注意语境。 3)自从失业后,他是做一天和尚,撞一天钟。 After his unemployment,he went on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk. 直译无法表达意思,划线句应为意译:…,he took a passive attitude to his life. 4)知己知彼,百战不殆。 此句有好几种翻法: 先是条件句:If you know yourself and the enemy,you will not be defeated in a hundred battles. 条件句已经把意思翻出来了 ,但是这是一句成语讲了个道理,因此我们在此基础上可以改成祈使句更为好: Konw yourself and the enemy and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles. 祈使句用了两个and,似乎有点儿罗嗦,我们可以用一个词enable把句子改得更漂亮: Knowledge of yourself and the enemy will enable you to fight against a hundred battles without defeat. |