151.pick up the pieces and carry on Reference:收拾残局,重整旗鼓,再图进取 152.好句子. I began my life as the son of immigrants ,and with great efforts I worked my way up to the presidency of the Ford Campany. Reference:我是作为移民的儿子进入人世的,凭自己的努力,一步步地当上了福特汽车公司地总裁. 153.热情接待 Reference:warm reception 154.衷心的感谢 Reference:heartbelt thanks for 155.没有贵方的努力我们无法成功地达成合作协议. Reference:Without your effort it would have been impossible for us to reach the successful conclusion of our cooperative agreements 156.来华投资 Reference:come to invest in China 157.幅员辽阔 Reference:has vast land 158.劳动力资源丰富 Reference:abundant human resource 159.兴办(企业) Reference:establish 160.market strategy Reference:市场营销战略 161.business dealings Reference:商务运作 162.这种投资方法对我们合作双方来说,都有丰厚地经济回报. Reference:I would say that this type of investment will yield fat economic returns for both parties in our partnership. 163.产品有着优异的价格性能比 note:这里的"有着" Reference:enjoy 164.I shall focus my remarks primary on... Reference:我想重点谈谈... 165....differs greatly from... Reference:与...是截然不同地 166.I am certain that... Reference:我相信... 167.The future of economic cooperation with China should be viewed with a combination of enthusiasm and realism. note:注意这里的"be viewd" Reference:我们应该带着满腔热忱和现实主义的精神来看待与中国未来的经济合作. 168.越来越(流行) note:不一定是more and more Reference:increasing population 169.to stay out traffic jams Reference:以避免交通堵塞 170.College and high school students find biking an economical alternative to cars and buses. note:喜欢这里的alternative to 的用法 Reference:大中小学生把自行车当作汽车和公交车的廉价代用工具. 171.I want to spend part of this lecture discussing... note:是"部分讲座(时间)"? Reference:我想在讲座上花点时间讨论... 172.be incapable of doing sth. Reference:不能够做某事 173.The computer's advantage over us is that... Reference:note:注意介词over 174.重复的,反复的 Reference:repetitive 175....,其历史可以追溯到... Reference:Dating back to... , ... 176.贸易通道 note:"通道"哈,新词一个 Reference:thoroughfare 177.我社安排的"丝绸之路游"始于西安古城,止于新疆首府乌鲁木齐. note:始于...,止于,怎么说?怎么跟前面连接,"首府"怎么说? Reference:"The Silk Road Tour" that we offer follows a route beginning from the ancient city of Xi'an and ending at Urumqi , the capital of Xingjiang . 178.游客们沿线可以... note:"沿线"的表达 Reference:Along the route... 180.高超的工艺 Reference:the superior workmanship 181.领略自然景观的魅力 note:关键是对于"领略"的翻译 Reference:take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape 182.大量的 Reference:a wealth of 183....沿途 Reference:along... 184.(最精彩的)旅游节目(之一) Reference:tourist attractions 185.过去10年来,... Reference:In the last ten years,... 186.带来了(许多新的变化) Reference:bring about 187.高档消费品 Reference:high-grade consumer goods 188.农副产品 Reference:farm and sideline products 189.农村剩余劳动力的转移 |