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Part C: Listening and Translation

1. Sentence Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Now let us begin Part C with sentence translation:

Sentence No. 1: We had a great time yesterday. We went to the Darling Harbor where we had lunch, and then we drove around Sydney and saw a bit of the city.

Sentence No. 2: Most experts on investment are very optimistic about China’s economy next year, which is predicted to have a growth rate of over 8%.

Sentence No. 3: Despite the pressures of overcrowding and long working hours, the Japanese men can live for as long as 75 years, while women reach an average age of 81 years .

Sentence No. 4: Although the engineers could not be certain that the new plan would work, it seemed like a good solution to the problem, at least on paper.

Sentence No. 5: Many US high school students cheat in examinations. In our recent survey of 8000 students, 70% admitted cheating on at least one test in the current school year.


1. 昨天我们过的很愉快。我们先去了情人港(达令港)吃午饭,然后开车在悉尼市内兜风,看了看这个城市。

2. 中国经济明年预计增长超过8%,大多数投资专家都对明年的经济形势表示非常乐观。

3. 尽管身边环境过于拥挤,且工作时间过长,带来很大压力,但日本的男性普遍寿命都达到75 岁,而女性平均寿命达81岁。

4. 虽然工程师们无法确定,新计划是否会有效,但它看起来是解决问题的好方法,至少书面上看起来是这样。

5. 美国很多中学生都在考试中作弊。最近对8000名学生的调查显示70%的学生承认在本学期的考试中至少作弊一次。
