汉英口译实践 第十六篇 中加经贸关系
我非常高兴能在此会见来自大洋彼岸的加拿大商业界的朋友。“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”这句古话可以表达我此刻的心情。 I am very pleased to meet my friends from the Canadian business community on the other side of the Pacific. My current feeling can be best expressed by an ancient Chinese remark:“How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar!” 中国政府十分重视同加拿大双边经贸关系的发展,并且非常赞赏加中贸易理事会为加强我们这两个伟大国家商业界的联系而作出的努力和起到的桥梁作用。我感谢理事会所有成员为促进加中贸易作出的努力。加拿大是一个工业发达、资源丰富的国家,中国则是一个劳动力充足、市场巨大的国家。我们希望看到加拿大的企业能够充分利用自己在技术和财力上的优势,赢得中国市场。 The Chinese government attaches great importance to the development of bilateral economic and trade relations and appreciates the efforts made by Canadian-Chinese Trade Council serving as a bridge linking the business communities of our two great nations. I commend all the members of the Council for their efforts in promoting trade with China. Canada is a country with well-developed industries and abundant resources, while China has a plentiful supply of labor force and a potential huge market. We hope to see Canadian enterprises make full use of their technical and financial advantages and compete well in the Chinese market. |