汉英口译实践 第二十五篇 音乐传播技术的发展
人类自创造音乐的那一刻起,即开始了音乐的传播。在一个极为漫长的历史阶段中,人类只能通过音乐表演和口授来传播音乐。音乐保存极为有限,传播距离和传播方向也极为有限。 Music transmission began the moment mankind created music. For a very long period of historical development, humans could only transmit music by means of musical performance and oral instruction. There was a severe limitation to the extent of music preservation, as well as to the distance and directions of music transmission. 当人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演,演变成“文字”得以记录和传播。然而,人类音乐传播的真正革命性里程碑的建立者无疑是科学家们。他们创造了令人叹为观止的音乐传播手段,从最早的机械“留声机”到今天五花八门的“电子媒体”,音乐的传播变得如此便捷,如此高保真。 When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission, from the earliest mechanical “record turntable” to today’s many kinds of “electronic media”. Music transmission has become something that is amazingly convenient, fast, and “hi-fi supported”! 在20世纪诸多的音乐传播手段中,无线电广播的发明和发展对音乐的传播起了极为重要的作用。然而,高科技的高速发展也使我国广播音乐工作者在新世纪中面临严峻的挑战。随着CD唱片的日益普及,随着立体声及数字式音乐电视迈开咄咄*人脚步,随着……尤其是随着“仿佛无所不能的计算机网络”势力的高速扩张,新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还能有所作为吗? Among the numerous means of music transmission of the 20th century, the creation and development of radio broadcast5ing played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission. Nevertheless, the rapid development of high technology has brought serious challenges to China’s radio music workers in the new century. With the ever-increasing popularization o CDs, with the aggressive march of the stereophonic and digital musical TV, with…… and especially with the rapid expansion of the “almighty computer network” force, what else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and music broadcasters of the new century. |