汉英口译实践 第二十九篇 浦东新兴工业区
站在上海的外滩,倚浦江东望,只见昔日那片旧棚简屋、苇塘阡陌的浦东大地,到处是气魄非凡的摩天大楼。如今,浦东光楼已成了上海的一大旅游景观。但是,高楼大厦并非浦东的全部。更令人振奋的是技术先进、装备精良、工业产值高达上海四分之一的新兴工业区的崛起。 Standing on the famous Bund of Shanghai and looking eastward across the Huangpu River, one cannot but see clusters of magnificent high-rise buildings in Pudong, which used to be largely a rural area scattered with dilapidated old houses, fields of weeds, poodles and pools. Viewing skyscrapers in Pudong has become a tourist attraction for visitors in Shanghai. But high-rise buildings are not all that Pudong has. What is more inspiring is the emergence of modern industries that make use of advanced technology, state-of-the –art equipment and the industrial output valued more than a quarter of that of the Greater Shanghai. 近年来,浦东的整体工业快速发展,出现了六大支柱产业,即以生产“别克”轿车的上海通用汽车合资企业为领袖的汽车产业,以生产超大规模集成电路的中日合资企业为龙头的电子信息产业,以生产不锈钢的中德合资企业为骨干的钢铁产业,以中德、中美合资企业为主体的石油化工及精细化工产业,以中日合资企业为代表的家用电器产业,以上海医药工业与一批世界著名医药企业联手发展起来的生物医药产业。 The last few years have seen a rapid upgrading of Pudong’s industrial sector as a whole, best captured by the emergence of six pillar industries: the automaking industry headed by Shanghai-General Motors joint venture manufacturing Buick cars, the electronics-information industry led by a Sino-Japanese joint venture producing super large-scale integrated circuits, the steel-making industry with a Sino-German joint venture as its backbone producing stainless steel sheet, the petrochemical and fine chemical industry centering around Sino-German and Sino-US joint ventures, the home electrical appliances industry represented by Sino-Japanese joint ventures, and the bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry developed jointly by local pharmaceutical manufacturers and a number of world-renowned pharmaceutical enterprises. 美国通用汽车公司、德国巴斯夫公司、日立电器公司等一批跨国公司的高级职员在谈到他们总部的投资意图时无不坦陈,外方看中的是浦东在其全球战略中的地域优势、良好的投资环境和企业素质。在短短的几年里,伴随着这么多世界一流企业的投资项目,当今世界最富生命力和带动力的一些关键产业迅速落户到浦东,跨国公司的全球销售服务网络也延伸到中国。这是全球范围市场竞争的延伸。 When senior representatives of General Motors of the United States, BSF of Germany and Hitachi Electric of Japan talked about their investment in Pudong, they all pointed to Pudong’s geographical advantage, good investment environment and the high quality of local enterprises as Pudong’s attractions for their respective firms in their global strategy. In just a few years, along with the launch of investment projects by transnationals, so many world’s first class and most dynamic and vital industries have steeled in Pudong. At the same time, the global sales and after-sales service network of the investing transnationals have extended to China. This is an extension of global market competitions. 目前在浦东的前200家强强联姻企业中,具有自我设计和开发能力的虽然不多,但中方大约有200名副总经理、1000名部门经理、3000名高中级工程技术人员、30000名熟练工人正在一边干,一边学。这是支撑浦东产业高地的人才基础。这些企业和人才,正以其产业关联性和协作关系,最终带动长江流域乃至全国数千家企业,面向国内、国际两个市场,进行一体化生产和销售,使浦东成为溶中国现代产业于世界经济主流的龙头和纽带。 Currently, among Pudong’s 200 biggest joint ventures, not many have independent designing and developing capabilities. However, on the Chinese side, about 200 deputy managing directors, 1,000 division managers, 3,000 senior and intermediate-level engineers and technologists and 30,000 skilled workers have been learning on the job. This is the talent resource foundation for sustaining Pudong’s industrial leading position. These enterprises and talents, through production-related association and cooperation, are expected to boost thousands of enterprises in the Yangtze River Valley, as well as in other parts of the country, engaging in integrated production and sales for both domestic and international markets. By doing so, Pudong will function as a leader and bridge to integrate China’s modern industry with the mainstream of the world’s economy. |