21.立党为公、执政为民 run the Party for the public good and exercise the state power for the benefit of the people a party working for the public interest and a government serving the people people's Party, people's government the party is built for the public, and it exercises state power for the people build the Party for the public and exercise power for the people 22.民主党派 democratic parties 23.社会主义市场经济 a socialist market economy (授权情况下可以仅说market economy) 24.权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋 exercise power in the interest of the people, share the feelings of the people and work for the good of the people exercise power for the people, show concern for the people and bring benefit to the people 25.述职述廉制度 a reporting system on job and anti-corruption performance the system of officials' reporting on their work and anti-corruption performance 26.谈话诫勉制度 the system (practice) of persuasion and admonition 27. 双规 under investigation at appointed duration and place subject to questioning at an appointed time and place 28.提高发展社会主义民主政治的能力 Improve our capability to promote socialist democracy 29.完成党的执政使命 fulfil the party's mission as the ruling party 30.物质文明、政治文明、精神文明 material, political and spiritual civilization material, political and spiritual civilizations 31.宣传群众 conduct publicity among people motivate the people keep people informed carry out publicity among the people to promote public awareness of sth. |