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If we use the National College Entrance Exam as the sole criterion to evaluate every student, it will inevitably end up being an unequal foot race. If we want everyone to have a fair chance to shine, we have to let them choose to run or to swim based on their own strengths. We could establish another college entrance examination where students' technical skills make up 70 percent of their score ... so students from both high schools and secondary vocational schools can choose whatever exam they want to take (in order to get into college).


Su Hua, chairman of the Sichuan Modern Education Group and a member of the CPPCC National Committee


Parents have to travel four times a day to ferry their children to and from school, and when school lets out parents are still at work. Parents have to deal with the time conflicts to get their younger children to and from primary schools. This is ... a very common issue that concerns people's livelihoods. I hope efforts can be made to arrange the working hours of parents and the school hours as a whole. In addition, after-school programs can be set up inside the school, and budgets are set aside for such programs.


Yuan Jianghua, an official with the Hebi Finance Bureau in Henan province and an NPC deputy

