1. We've got to watch our spending. 我们得留意一下开销。 2. We've got to tighten our belt. 我们得勒紧裤带了。(我们得省吃俭用)3. We should make every penny count. 我们每一分钱都要花在刀口上。4. We should control our budget more carefully. 我们应该更小心控制我们的预算。5. No, we shouldn't lay out that kind of money. 不,那种钱我们不应该花。6. We should try to live more economically. 我们应该试着更节俭一点。7. We have to pinch and scrape. 我们必须要省吃俭用。8. We've agreed to cut the frills, remember? 我们说好要减少不必要的花费,记得吗?9. We should try to make both ends meet. 我们应该试着收支平衡。10. We should keep track of our expenses more closely. 我们应该更仔细地纪录我们的开销。 |