豪门艳女、希尔顿大酒店女继承人帕丽斯。希尔顿近日宣称:她厌倦了交男 朋友,她现在是一名独身主义者。这对于被爆光“私生活太滥”的希尔顿来说, 似乎有点反常。2003年,希尔顿前男友将他们的性录像在互联网上曝光后,希尔 顿一度成为互联网上搜索最热门。 请看外电相关新闻报道:Paris Hilton says she is sick of boyfriends and is celibate. The 25-year-old who gained international fame when a former boyfriend posted a videotape of the couple having sex on the Internet denied leading a promiscuous lifestyle. "I'm not having sex for a year.…… I'll kiss, but nothing else," says Hilton , who told the magazine she has had sex with only two men during her lifetime. 日常,我们常用“single”或“bachelor”来描述自己目前的婚姻状况—— 独身未婚。不过,如果您要旗帜宣明告诉别人,你不想结婚,你是独身主义者, “I am celibate ”即可大派用场。 与single和bachelor相比,celibate更侧重强调“禁欲”,这也是为什么在 新闻中希尔顿称自己“已有一年没有过性生活”。 另外,顺便提两个短语:bachelor party(单身男子派对)——男性告别单 身生涯之前,其单身好友为他举办的“单身送别会”;wedding shower(单身女 子派对)——女孩子出嫁之前,为告别女生单身生活而举办的聚会。 |