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 We have talked about the word "thumb". 大拇指。今天在学习一个与它有关的句子,另外,学一句年轻人的口头禅!

1. Two thumbs up! 举双手赞成!

其实这里我们还可以直接说 Thumbs up! 那么有人问了,既然是举双手赞成,为什么不用Hands up!这里可是要小心使用,因为Hands up!的含义是举起手来!在枪战片里面我们看到警察举起手枪,冲着歹徒大喊:

-Don't move! Hands up!
-Ok,ok,don't shoot! I surrender!

所以当你表示同意某人的建议最好说Thumbs up!而不说Hands up!比如下面一个例子:Andy, do you think it is a good idea to publish your ABC materials in a book? ——Two thumbs up! But I have to revise some of them again so as to make it easier for learners to master.

好了,一定要记清楚这个短语,另外补充一点,我想大家也很容易记下来,就是这个短语的反以词应该是什么呢?对了,Thumbs down!当别人提出了一个很糟糕的想法:比如说:Let's tell the truth to the teacher!——Thumbs down, you idiot!我不同意,你这个白痴!

2. It is as easy as pie! 小事一桩啦!

我们年轻人做事情总喜欢向别人展示自己很有能力,所以很多人的口头禅就是:没问题啦,小事一桩!因此我们就可以说It is as easy as pie!为什么要这么说呢?因为pie在字典里的意思是:轻而易举的事情, 容易击败的对手。或者你如果真地把pie理解成了“馅饼”的话,那就姑且认为:it is so easy to eat a pie.记得我们曾经学习过另外一个句子,也表达同样的含义,那就是It is a piece of cake. for example:

-Can you finish it by the end of this month?
-It is a piece of cake for me!

So in fact, Andy is saying this sentence again and again. I like it because it can give me the confidence, as well as the force which will drive me to finish the thing I've promised.

That's all for today's program. Only two sentences each time. Do you think it is as easy as pie? It should be so, for learning English is as easy as pie! See you next time!
