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 My dear friends, do you think you are still young? So can you find some adjective words that can be used to describe the young people? You should have. For example, energetic, hardworking, creative, quick-witted, etc. 我们有这么多的形容词来修饰年轻人,相信大家也都熟悉了,但是有些时候年轻也会被当作把柄,Now when you hear the following two sentences, you will not think that being young is always your advantage.

1.You're still wet behind the ears.你还嫩了点儿.

If you are said to be wet behind the ears, it means that you are inexperienced or you are green. 这个地方我们用了green这个词,应该说是很形象了,青苹果还没有成熟,当然就表达了这句话的意思:你还嫩了点儿.This sentence sometimes is used when you are trying to play tricks on someone who is quite familiar with them. For example:

One day, when you are trying to explain to your teacher why you were late for school, you may say,

——"my dear teacher, you know my brother came to visit me yesterday and we talked a lot till to the midnight and so I got up late this morning."

——"Oh, boy, you are still wet behind the ears. I know you are lying because you don't have a brother at all."

这样的谎言被揭穿可是很糟糕的事情,看来还是不要撒谎为好,因为老师也是从学生那里过来的,也肯定知道许多撒谎的高招。If you try to play tricks on your teacher, you have to admit that you are still wet behind the ears.

2.That boy never says uncle.那个孩子的嘴特别硬.

When I give you a word "stubborn", probably you would think of a person who doesn't follow others' advice and does anything he likes.这样的孩子好象现在的社会中越来越多,看起来是很有个性,但是Andy并不认为这是一个好的现象。Now some young people are like rebels and they don't listen to what their partents have told them. They do whatever they like. 下面就是一种情况:

I am not sure whether you have met with such students who don't admit that they are lying, even the lie has been exposed to all. 即使大家都看出来是一个不攻自破的谎言,但是他还是死咬着这个谎言不放,这种情况下我们就说。That boy never says uncle. 那个孩子嘴真硬。So here it means that he doesn't want to surrender to the teacher at all.


Anyhow, being young still gives us a long way to go, a beautiful dream to pursue, and an opportunity to succeed. 年轻总是令人羡慕的。还是让我抓住这个golden age, 一起奔向成功。
