男:Hello!大家好!我是Victor女:Nancy男:今天我们来教大家一句非常简单的打招呼的方法。女:“Nice to meet you,” and “Nice to meet you too,”男:简单吧!女:Victor, we only use these special words talking about when we meet someone first time, and first time only.男:不过需要注意的是,说这句话,一定是在初次见面的时候才行哦。女:If you know the person, you will say “Nice to meet you”男:和认识的人再次见面,则要说nice to see you,注意初次用meet以后再见就用see喽。女:This works in both casual and formal situations.男:为什么这句话这么棒呢?就是在正式和非正式场合都可以用,非常的灵活。女:Victor, I say it to you, nice to meet you.男:Nice to meet you too.女:You say it to me.男:Nice to meet you.女:Nice to meet you too. Ok, great. Tha2005-9-13 星期二 Culture We're just friends. |