The 8th of August, 2008. 2008年8月8日。A I’d love to go to the opening day of the Olympics. A 我想去看奥运会的开幕式。B So would I. I think the whole city will be celebrating. B 我也想去。我想整个北京城都将热烈庆祝奥运会的召开。A What’s the exact date? A 具体是哪天?B You mean for the opening ceremony? The start of the Olympics? B 你是说开幕式吗?奥运会开始的日子?A Yes, the first day. A 是的,第一天。B The eighth of August. The eighth day of the eighth month, 2008. B 8月8日。2008年的8月8日。Notes 注释 1 To ask when a major event like the Olympics starts, you can say: What's the start date? / What's the start date? eg: What's the start date of the Olympics? / What's the start date of the Olympics? 当询问像奥运会开幕这样的大事件时,你可以说:What's the start date? /哪天开始?What's the start date of the Olympics? /奥运会开幕是哪天? 2 Notice how to give dates: The eighth of August. / The eighth of August. The eighth day of the eighth month. / The eighth day of the eighth month. / 2008: Two thousand and eight. / Two thousand and eight. 注意如何给出日期:The eighth of August. /8月8日。The eighth day of the eighth month. /8月份的第八天。2008: Two thousand and eight. /2008年。 Key phrases and sentences I’d love to go to the opening day of the Olympics. So would I. I think the whole city will be celebrating. What’s the exact date? You mean for the opening ceremony? The start of the Olympics? Yes, the first day. The eighth of August. The eighth day of the eighth month, 2008. 我想去看奥运会的开幕式。我也想去。 我想整个北京城都将热烈庆祝奥运会的召开。 具体是哪天? 你是说开幕式吗?奥运会开始的日子? 是的,第一天。 8月8日。2008年的8月8日。 |