
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语口语英语基础内容详情


There will be people from all over the world.
A There will be thousands and thousands of people in Beijing for the Olympics.
A 到时候将有成千上万的人来北京观看奥运比赛。
B And millions watching it on TV. Beijing will be so busy and crowded.
B 还有数百万人通过电视观看比赛。北京会非常热闹拥挤。 
A There will be people from all over the world.
A 人们将从世界各地赶来。
B Everywhere will be crowded. The shops, the streets, the hotels, the restaurants.
B 到处都将非常拥挤。商店、街道、旅馆以及餐馆。
A I expect the traffic will be really heavy too.
A 我估计交通也会非常拥挤。

1.You can talk about the size of crowds by using hundreds / hundreds or thousands / thousands (or even millions / millions) eg: There will be thousands watching the race / There will be thousands watching the race; Millions will watch it on TV / Millions will watch it on TV.
你可以用hundreds / 数百, 或者thousands / 数千 (或者甚至 millions /数百万) ,来谈论人数之多。例如: There will be thousands watching the race /将有数千人观看比赛。Millions will watch it on TV /数百万人通过电视观看比赛。
2.There are various ways to describe somewhere full of people, eg: busy / busy ; crowded / crowded ; Everywhere in Beijing will be crowded / Everywhere in Beijing will be crowded. Remember also the way you can describe traffic, eg: The traffic will be really heavy / The traffic will be really heavy.
描述某处人潮拥挤有不同的方法,例如busy /热闹; crowded / 拥挤 :
Everywhere in Beijing will be crowded /北京到处都会非常拥挤。也请记住描述交通情况的用法。
例如:The traffic will be really heavy /交通将相当拥挤。

Key phrases and sentences
There will be thousands and thousands 
of people in Beijing for the Olympics.
And millions watching it on TV. 
Beijing will be so busy and crowded.
There will be people from all over the world.
Everywhere will be crowded. The 
shops, the streets, the hotels, the restaurants.
I expect the traffic will be really heavy 

