
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语口语英语基础内容详情


It’s about the third or fourth shop on your right.
A Do you know where I can find a good camera shop?
A 你知道我在哪里能找到一家好的卖相机的商店吗?
B Yes, there’s a good one round the corner from your hotel. It’s only two minutes walk.
B 是的,从你的旅馆出来在拐角处有一家。步行只需大约两分钟。
A Will I find it easily?
A 我会很容易找到吗?
B Oh yes. Just go out of the hotel, turn right and go round the first corner.
B 哦,是的。从旅馆出来,向右转,在第一个拐角处转弯。
A And then?
A 然后呢?
B You’ll find it easily. It’s about the third or fourth shop on your right.
B 你很容易就会找到的。它是你右侧的第三或者第四家商店。

1.You can also talk about distance in terms of time, eg: It’s only two minutes walk/ It’s only two minutes walk: The airport is about one hour from the city centre by taxi / The airport is about one hour from the city centre by taxi.
你也可以用时间来谈论距离。例如:It’s only two minutes walk/步行大约只需2分钟。
The airport is about one hour from the city centre by taxi /乘出租车从市中心到机场大约1个小时。
2.You can talk about how easy or difficult it is to find somewhere, eg: Will I find it easily? / Will I find it easily? : Is it easy to find? / Is it easy to find?
你可以谈论找到某处容易或者困难。例如:Will I find it easily? /我会很容易找到它吗?
Is it easy to find? /很容易找到吗?

Key phrases and sentences
Do you know where I can find a good
camera shop?
Yes, there’s a good one round the
corner from your hotel.
It’s only two minutes walk.
Will I find it easily?
Oh yes. Just go out of the hotel, turn
right and go round the first corner.And then?
You’ll find it easily. It’s about the third
or fourth shop on your right.

