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You can book a private room in the restaurant.
A I want to entertain some clients.
A 我想招待几个客户。
B How many?
B 几个?
A About eight. I want to take them to a really special place.
A 大约8个。我想带他们到一个真正特别的地方。
B Why not go to The Red Moon Restaurant?
B 为什么不去红月亮餐馆呢?
A That's an excellent idea. It's a lovely setting.
A 真是一个好主意。那里的环境非常好。
B Yes, and you can book a private room in the restaurant.
B 是的,你可以在餐馆里预订一间包房。

1 To make a suggestion about where a friend can take clients, you can say: Why not go to The Red Moon Restaurant? / Why not go to The Red Moon restaurant? And you can give your reason for the suggestion: You can book a private room in the restaurant. / You can book a private room in the restaurant.
要对朋友带客户去哪里提出建议,你可以说:Why not go to The Red Moon Restaurant? /为什么不去红月亮餐馆呢?你还可以给出之所以提出这个建议的理由:You can book a private room in the restaurant. /你可以在餐馆里预订一间包房。
2 You can show your appreciation for a suggestion: That's an excellent idea. / That's an excellent idea.
你可以对别人的建议表示欣赏:That's an excellent idea. /真是一个好主意。

Key phrases and sentences
I want to entertain some clients.
How many?
About eight. I want to take them to a really special place.
Why not go to The Red Moon restaurant?
That's an excellent idea.
It's a lovely setting.
Yes, and you can book a private room in the restaurant.

