
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语口语英语基础内容详情


Your English is really good.
A You know, your English is really good.
A 你知道吗,你的英语真好。
B Thanks. I wish I had more chances to use it.
B 谢谢。我希望我有更多的机会使用英语。
A Do you get the chance to use it at your work?
A 你在工作中有机会使用英语吗?
B Yes, I do, but not as much as I would like to. It’s so important now to try and speak English. It helps in the job market.
B 是的,有,但是不希望的那样多。练习说英语太重要了。它对我找工作非常有用。
A Yes, I guess so. I see a lot of jobs advertised which ask for English ability.
A 是的,我想是这样。我看到很多招工广告都要求英语能力。
B Well, it definitely helped me to get my job.
B 是,它确实对我找到现在的工作非常有帮助。

Notes 注释
1 You can take about chance / chance or chances / chances or opportunities / opportunities in many ways, e.g.: I wish I had more chances to speak English / I wish I had more chances to speak English; I wish I had the opportunity to travel / I wish I had the opportunity to travel.
你可以在很多情形下谈论chance / 机会或者chances / 机会或者 opportunities / 良机。例如:I wish I had more chances to speak English /我希望有更多的机会说英语; I wish I had the opportunity to travel /我希望有机会去旅游。
2 We can talk about how something helps / helps you, e.g.: English helps in the job market / English helps in the job market ; It helped me to get my job / It helped me to get my job; An aspirin will help you feel better / An aspirin will help you feel better.
我们可以谈论某事对你helps /有用。例如:English helps in the job market /英语对于找工作有帮助; It helped me to get my job / 它对我找到工作有用; An aspirin will help you feel better /一片阿司匹林会让你感觉好一些。

Key phrases and sentences
You know, your English is really good.
Thanks. I wish I had more chances to use it.
Do you get the chance to use it at your work?
Yes, I do, but not as much as I would like to. 
It’s so important now to try and speak English. 
It helps in the job market.
Yes, I guess so. I see a lot of jobs
advertised which ask for English ability.
Well, it definitely helped me to get my job.

