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I think the weekend will be hot.
A Actually, I think you’re wrong. I don’t think it will rain this weekend.
A 但我想你错了。我觉得这个周末不会下雨。
B Really? What do you think it will be like?
B 真的吗?你觉得天气会怎样?
A I think the weekend will be hot. That’s what the TV weather forecast says.
A 我想这个周末会热。电视上的天气预报是这样说的。
B Well, maybe it will be hot. Maybe cold. Who knows?
B 哦,可能会热。可能会冷。谁知道呢?
A Well, if the weather is good, why don’t you come with us?
A 哦,如果天气好的话,你为什么不跟我们一起去呢?
B Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to watch the football match on TV.
B 对不起,我不能去。我要看电视足球比赛。

Notes 注释
1 You can use the word like / like in a question to ask how something is or to ask someone’s opinion – or if you want someone to describe what they think, e.g.: What will the weather be like this weekend? / What will the weather be like this weekend? : What was your dinner like? / What was your dinner like? : What’s Nanjing like? / What’s Nanjing like?
你可以在问句中用like /像这个单词来询问某事如何或者问某人的意见——或者你想让某人描述他的想法。例如:What will the weather be like this weekend? / 这个周末天气会怎样?: What was your dinner like? /你的晚餐如何? : What’s Nanjing like? /南京什么样?
2 Remember the phrase for making a suggestion – Why don’t you . . .? / Why don’t you . . .? e.g.: If the weather is good, why don’t you come with us? / If the weather is good, why don’t you come with us?
记住提出建议时使用的短语——Why don’t you . . .? / 你为什么不 . . .呢? 例如: If the weather is good, why don’t you come with us? /如果天气好的话,你为什么不和我们一起去呢?

Key phrases and sentences
Actually, I think you’re wrong. 
I don’t think it will rain this weekend.
Really? What do you think it will be like?
I think the weekend will be hot.
That’s what the TV weather forecast says.
Well, maybe it will be hot. Maybe cold. 
Who knows?
Well, if the weather is good, why don’t you come with us? 
Sorry, I can’t. 
I’m going to watch the football match on TV.

