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What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A I’m going cycling this weekend, just outside Beijing, in the country.
A 我周末想去骑自行车玩,就在京郊。
B Well, I hope the weather is OK for you.
B 哦,希望明天天气好,你能骑自行车。
A Why? What will the weather be like tomorrow?
A 怎么?明天天气怎么样?
B I think it’s going to be cold and windy. I think it will rain. Not good weather for cycling.
B 我想明天天冷、风大。可能会下雨。不是骑车的好天气。
A If it rains, I won’t go cycling. I’ll go shopping instead.
A 如果下雨,我就不去骑车了。我就去购物。
B I’m not going to worry about the weather this weekend. I’m not going anywhere.
B 我就不用担心这个周末的天气了。我哪儿也不去。

Notes 注释
1 You can use both going to . . . / going to . . . and will / will, e.g. I think it’s going to be cold / I think it’s going to be cold : I think it will rain / I think it will rain.
你既可以用going to . . . / 将要 . . . 也可以用 will /将要,例如:I think it’s going to be cold /我想天气会冷: I think it will rain /我想会下雨。
2 Remember sentences be.g.inning with If . . . / If . . . e.g., If it rains, I won’t go cycling / If it rains, I won’t go cycling : If it’s busy, I will be late / If it’s busy, I will be late.
记住以If . . . / 如果 . . .开头的句子。例如:If it rains, I won’t go cycling /如果下雨,我就不去骑车了。: If it’s busy, I will be late /如果交通拥挤,我就会迟到。

Key phrases and sentences
I’m going cycling this weekend, just outside Beijing, in the country.
Well, I hope the weather is OK for you.
Why? What will the weather be like tomorrow?
I think it’s going to be cold and windy. 
I think it will rain.
Not good weather for cycling.
If it rains, I won’t go cycling. 
I’ll go shopping instead. 
I’m not going to worry about the
weather this weekend. 
I’m not going anywhere.

