在海底沉睡多年的南宋时期商船,近日终于重见天日,成功打捞出水,那么“打捞出水”怎么说呢?请看新华社的报道:An 800-year-old merchant ship, containing thousands of gold, silver and porcelain trading goods, was raised from the bottom of the South China Sea, loaded with artefacts that might confirm the existence of an ancient maritime trade route linking China and the West.一艘中国古代沉船从中国南海被打捞出水,这只满载着金银,瓷器等数万件宝物的商船终于在沉睡了800多年后浮出水面。它的发现和打捞进一步说明了中国和西方世界还存在一条古老的“海上丝绸之路”。这里,打捞出水可以用“raise from…/hoist”表示,两个词都有“提升,举起,升起”的含义,如“raised the loads with a crane.用起重机把货物吊起”; “To hoist an anchor to (the cathead). 起锚将锚提升至(锚架)。相关词汇:沉船 sunken ship挖掘,出土文物 excavation |