学生:Drew,你喜欢聚会吗? Student:Drew.Do you like going to parties? 老师:是的,我朋友说我是聚会迷。 Teacher:Yes .My friends say I’m a real party animal. 学生:你们国家里聚会是什么样子的? Student:What’s the party like in your country? 老师:你知道,在加拿大,啤酒是很贵的,所以,通常我们都自带酒,这叫BYOB聚会,我们也玩儿一些游戏,有时会玩得很疯。 Teacher: Well,you know,Cause beer is very expensive in Canada.We always bring our own beer. It’s called BYOB party,and we play drinking games,sometimes it’s really crazy. 学生:你们聚会时都干些什么?喝酒吗? Student:What do you do at parties, drinking? 老师:当然,我们喝酒,跳舞,泡妞,开心---- Teacher:Yeah,we drink, dance, pick up hot chicks and have fun. 学生:Hot chick是什么意思? Student:Hot chic 老师:漂亮姑娘。 Teacher:That means beautiful girls. 学生:校园里有很多聚会吗? Student:Are there lots of parties on campus? 老师:是啊,我们经常考试后聚一聚,你知道我们需要放松,因此就去泡吧。 Teacher:Yeah.We would party after exams.You know we need to relax. So we hit the bars. 学生:Hit是什么意思? Student:Hit? 老师:噢,Hit在这里不是指打的意思,Hit the bar表示我们列一张酒吧的单子,然后挨个去逛。 Teacher:Oh! Hit the bars doesn’t mean we hit them.It means we make a list of bars and go around them. 学生:噢,谢谢。 Student:Oh. Thanks. 老师:没问题。 Teacher:You’re welcome. 1.BYOB是英语Bring Your Own Beer的首字母缩写。由于国外的酒很贵(4到5美元或加元),因此人们会自带酒水,在国外外时可要当心,别轻易向别人要烟或酒,弄不好就会被别人当成 Social smoker或Social drinker,就是那些自己不带烟或不买酒,却总是向别人要的那种人。 2.Drinking games,国外的drinking games和国内可不一样,有一种游戏是互相问问题,不管多尴尬都要回答,甚至有人会问你:Who did you sleep with last night? 3.Pick up hot chicks中文的直译是泡妞。hot chicks是男孩对女孩的称呼,尤其是漂亮女孩儿。男孩儿们更常说的是"Let’s go to the bar and pick up some hot chicks。"绝对地道。 4.hit the bars不要被hit这个词迷惑,hit the bar在这里就是指去泡吧,hit就是go to的意思。另外还有几个跟hit有关的用法,也很常用,比如hit the road表示Let’s go. hit the book表示Let’s study. hit the sack表示Go to bed. 5.Party animal表示聚会迷,需要注意的是animal表达这种含义时,仅用于这种情况,千万别自创出什么movie animal来,那就出笑话了 |