拜访朋友、在家待客都是周末的好休闲,商务宴客更是职场必会守则。学几句地道的招待客人的英文表达,让你的朋友surprise一下! 【家居宴客基本句型】: 1. You can come over and I’ll buzz you in. 你可以过来了, 我会帮你开门. "帮你开门"这个动作许多人不经思考就会说 "open the door for you"。 但严格说来,"open the door for you" 指的是你亲自去把门打开。现在许多公寓通常都是对讲机的按钮一按外面的门就开了,而这个"开门让访客进来"的动作英文里就叫 "buzz someone in"。为什么用 ’buzz" 这个字呢? 因为按按钮的时候通常可以听到"唧唧"的声音。这个声音在英文里就叫 "buzz"。所以记得了,下次要帮别人开门时就可以说 "I’ll buzz you in." 反过来如果你去拜访别人则可以说 "Could you buzz me in?" 。 2. May I have a glass of water? 可以给我一杯水吗? 老美吃饭的习惯是菜未上桌前一定会先给你一杯冰水,这点习惯是和我们是大不相同。在这里要提醒大家的是,玻璃杯的讲法叫glass,而非 cup。Cup 指的是喝咖啡的那种杯子 (有时也可以叫马克杯 mug)。所以你跟别人要一杯水,比较好的讲法应该是 "a glass of water", 而非 "a cup of water"。反之如果想要一杯咖啡,则要用 "a cup of coffee" 比较好。 这里再提出一个有趣的问题:一定是玻璃 glass 作的"玻璃杯"才能叫 glass 吗? 答案是否定的。事实上那种免洗的塑胶杯有时候也可以勉强算是 "glass"。因为我就看过很多次有人问 "Do you have a glass?" 结果人家拿给他的却是那种塑胶的免洗杯。 3. Do you need some cookies? No. This is good enough. 你需不需要一些饼干啊? 不用了,这样就够好了。 当别人问你需要些什么,但你真的不需要的时候该怎么拒绝别人? 最简单的可以说 "No. Thanks." 言简意赅。或是你也可说 "That’s OK." 同样也是婉拒别人的意思。(注意 "That’s OK." 并不是答应别人而是拒绝别人,不要搞错了。) 第三种讲法则是非常客气的讲法,"This is good enough." 或是 "That is good enough." 意思是说 "这样子已经够好了,你不用再麻烦了。"但"我已经吃得差不多了"则不能说成 "I’ve had enough." 因为这是指"我受够了 (意指东西很难吃)。"应该说 "I am stuffed. (我吃饱了。)" 才对。 4. Do you guys want to stick around and play Scrabble? 你们想不想留下来再玩一会拼写游戏呢? 当客人想要走了,而做主人的还不希望客人走时,就可以用到 "stick around" 这个词组。Stick around 指的就是再留下来一会,跟 stay的意思很像。所以当主人要留客时,就可以用 "Do you want to stick around?" 或是 "Do you want to stay?" 来表示希望他们不要那么早走。 Stick around 的应用范围其实非常广,基本上只要能用 stay 的地方,口语上都可以用 stick around 来代替。例如天气播报员会说"Warm weather will stick around for a while." 这就是说热天气还会持续好一阵子。或是像新职员刚报到:"I can promise you I will stick around for two years. (我可以向你保证我至少会做满二年。)" 【商务招待对话】: Mr. Lee: I know you’ve had Chinese food before, but I had to look all over town to find an authentic Chinese restaurant. I’m hoping this experience will be new and different for you.我知道你吃过中国菜,但我还是找遍全城,终于找到这家地道的中国餐馆。我希望这次能给你新的体验。 Miss Lewis: It all looks delicious! I love the way they’ve stacked the dishes in the middle of the table. What’s the dish in the middle making all the noise?看起来真可口! 我喜欢象这样把菜肴摆在桌子中央。桌子中间发出声响的是道什么菜? Mr. Lee: That’s called tie ban niu rou. It’s basically strips of beef with onion, but it’s poured onto a heated iron dish, which acts as a grill. That’s why it’s sizzling; it’s literally cooking at the table.是铁板牛肉。用洋葱和牛肉片做的,将洋葱和牛肉丝倒在加热的铁盘上,相当于烤炉,所以会发出咝咝声。这实际上是在餐桌上把菜做出来的。 Mr. Jones: So I guess we can be sure it’s hot. What’s this dish here? Looks like a salad or something! 那样可以保证菜是热的。这道菜是什么?看起来像沙拉一类的东西。 Mr. Lee: That’s cold dish. Believe it or not, we call it “Tiger Food.” It’s green pepper, cilantro, and cucumbers. I suppose we could consider that an appetizer.那是道凉菜。信不信由你,我们把它称作“老虎菜”。由青椒,芫荽叶和黄瓜。我们把它当作开胃菜。 Miss Lewis: Is it hot?它是热的吗? Mr. Lee: Hot? It’s cold.热?它是凉的。 Miss Lewis: I meant spicy-hot.我是说辣。 Mr. Lee: It’s a little hot, but not too bad. For really hot, you should try the noodle dish in front of you. It’s called “Ants Climbing a Tree.”有点辣,但不是很辣。说到辣,你应该尝尝你跟前的粉丝,这道菜叫“蚂蚁上树”。 Mr. Jones: What a funny name! I guess those little bits of pork are the ants. So what do Chinese people eat for dessert?名字真有趣! 我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。那么中国人的甜点是什么呢? Mr. Lee: We don’t have dessert. We end our meal with some sort of staple food like rice or noodles. But I think if you are hungry for something sweet at the end of the meal, you can try some of these steamed buns. They’ve been fried just enough to be crispy and golden. You dip them into this sweetened condensed milk.我们没有甜点。我们在最后吃些主食,如米饭或面条。但如果你最后想吃些甜的食品,你可以尝尝这些馒头。它们被炸得酥脆焦黄。你可以蘸上些炼乳。 Miss Lewis: This food is just great! I don’t know how you manage to maintain a healthy weight with all this good food!这些菜真不错! 真想象不出有这么好的食物,你们是怎么控制体重的! |