8 字篇 503.有本事你做给我看! Let’s see you do it! (语气多半是不高兴的,故会在you加重语气) 504.你没别的事好做吗? Don’t you have anything better to do?(本句有要对方离自己远一点的意思) 505.你先走,我随后就到。 You go first. I’ll catch up later. 506.你想到哪里去了啊? What are you thinking? 注:说这句话带有生气的语调,可在what,thinking上面加重语气。 507.我的意思不是那样! That’s not what I’m saying! 注:这句话也可说成“That’s not what I mean.” 508.你这话是什么意思? What do you mean by that? 注:这句话表示对方说的话有言外之意,因而对此感到不悦。 509.这种事谁也说不准。 You can never tell about this sort of thing. 510. 让我一个人静一静。 Leave me be. 注:本句跟“Leave me alone.”“I want to be alone.”意思一样。而看到这种情形,通常会问“Wanna talk?”,就是“Do you want to talk?”的口语用法。 511.睁一只眼,闭一只眼。 I’ll pretend I didn’t see that. 注:表示装作不知道这件事。 512.放一百二十个心吧。 Relax. You can count on me. 注:这句话表示会极力帮忙,请对方放心。 513.区区小事,英语何足挂齿。 It’s nothing. Don’t mention it. 注:本句另一个说法是“You’re welcome. 514.你出这什么馊主意! That’s a bad idea if I’ve ever heard one! 515.你给我看清楚一点! Take a closer look! 注:这句话有时在责备对方不够用心,有时也只是要对方再仔细一点。 516.我不是告诉过你吗? Didn’t I tell you before? (before加重语气,表示不耐烦) 517.我什么时候说过了? When did I say that?(表示说者在为自己辩解,否认有这回事) 518.干嘛发火,谁惹你啦? Why so pissed off? Someone got in your way? 注:piss本意是小便,语气较粗鲁,所以多在私底下使用。“piss someone off”是叫某人滚开;“something piss me off”,是某事令自己愤怒或厌烦。 519.你从哪冒出来的啊? Where’d you come from? 520. 家家有本难念的经。 Every family has problems. 521. 天下无不散的筵席。 All things must come to an end. 522.我会自己想办法的。 I can handle it myself. (也可用I can take care of it myself.) 523.不用你说我也知道。 That goes without saying. 524.你穿这样不够保暖。 You’re not wearing enough. It’s cold out there. 注:也可以说“Put on some more clothes. It’s freezing outside. 525.此一时也,彼一时也。 Times have changed. 注:这是很常用的句子,也可说“Times are changing.” |