实用英语口语 看Gossip Girl学口语(8)
1.Dan’s Father: You two have worked out all your issues? 你们俩的问题现在都解决了吧。 Dan: Yeah, got’em all squared away 是的。都说清楚了。 Square away 这里相当于finish。 2 Saved by the bell. 这是一个idiom,意思是:rescued from a difficult or dangerous situation just in time by something that brings the situation to a sudden end. (From the sounding of a bell marking the end of a round in a boxing match.) 当时Serena正在步步紧逼,质问Dan,非让他说出原因来,这时候Serena的电话响了,Dan觉得如释重负(what a load off)。这其实又是一个双关(pun),因为在英式英语里面give someone a ring/bell就是给某人打电话的意思。 By Vincent from www.englishvincent.com |