聊聊身边小事 口语聊天不冷场
练口语是不是经常会出现冷场的情况,聊完了爱好,聊完了工作学习,聊完了其他人,突然发现没什么可以说的了!别怕,今天小编给你提供一个“Item”话题,和冷场say goodbye! 1.Article Describe an article you read from a magazine or internet. 2)When and where you read it 3)What you learnt from the article 4)Explain why you think it is a good or bad article 2.Short vacation Describe a short vacation that you were impressed. 2)What did you do. 3)Explain why you were impressed about this vacation. 3.First time to practise oral English Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate. 2)Who you talked to 3)Explain hwo you felt about the conversation 4.Story Describe an interesting story from a TV program. 2)When and where did you watch it 3)What makes it interesting |