在和别人交流的时候,很重要的一件事情就是要让对方知道自己有没有听懂。今天英语君就带大家来学习一下怎么在口语中告诉对方自己有没有听懂吧。 首先,解决燃眉之急,如果自己没有听懂的话,该怎么办呢? “Sorry, I didn't follow that, can you repeat that please?” “不好意思,我刚刚没跟上,能再重复一遍吗?” “Sorry, I don’t get it. Can you explain it again please?” “对不起,我没有听懂,能再解释一遍吗?” 如果你有特殊的单词或者术语没有听懂的话,可以这样说。 “Sorry, What does xxx mean?” “不好意思,xxx什么意思啊?” Xxx就是那个你不知道是什么意思的单词,凭你的记忆发音出来就好了。 如果你是单纯的走神,简洁一点的说法就是: “Pardon?” “能再说一遍吗?” 好的,确保自己都已经听懂别人在说什么之后,怎么样让对方知道自己在认真听并且听懂了她在说什么呢?以下有几种说法可以帮你表达: “I see” “原来如此。” 例句: So, this is the plan that we are going to carry out. 所以这就是我们接下来要实施的计划。 I see. 原来如此/好的。 “Right” “嗯,对” 例句: This is the main building of our school, we have a lot of classrooms in it. 这是我们学校的主教学楼,里面有很多的教室。 Right. 嗯。 “Uh-huh” “嗯哼” 例句: So last time we came here, we had no clue it was going to be this crowded. 上次我们来这里的时候没想到这里人会这么多。 Uh-huh. 嗯。 And then we were with all this people for a whole day, it was so hot and I felt so tired at the end of day. 然后我们就在人群里挣扎了一整天,那天还特别热,结束之后我整个人都累瘫了。 “Absolutely” “你说的很对。” 例句: Here, we try our best to serve all customers with care and I think we've done a pretty good job here. 在这里我们努力去服务每个客人,我觉得我们还做的不错。 Absolutely. 是的。 “Exactly” “就是你说的这样。” 例句: This plan is quite thorough, but we still need more people to review it. 这个计划现在已经很缜密了,但是我们还是需要更多的人来审核。 Exactly. 你说的没错。 好的,学会了这些实用口语大家要多多用起来呀。 |