Aquaman may not have reached cinemas in the UK, but Warner Bros are already planning a sequel. 电影《海王》还没有在英国上映,但是华纳兄弟已经筹备续集了。 Thanks to a strong box-office prediction – $65 million in the US according to analysts – the studio's chairman Toby Emmerich has already begun planning another underwater adventure. 这主要归功于美国预计高达6500万美金的强大票房预测,华纳公司的主席Toby Emmerich已经开始准备这个海底冒险片的续集了。 The Hollywood Reporter notes that no writer has been employed yet, but Amber Heard and Jason Momoawould return for the next film. 根据《好莱坞记者报》报道,目前还没有确认编剧,不过艾梅柏·希尔德和杰森·莫玛会回归,出演下一部电影。 Momoa first played the superhero in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, making a cameo appearance as the king of Atlantis. 莫玛第一次出演英雄是在《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》中。他出演亚特兰蒂斯国王为之后埋下伏笔。 He later returned as the character for Justice League, alongside Henry Cavill's Superman, Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. 之后和亨利·卡维尔饰演的超人,本·阿弗莱克饰演的蝙蝠侠,盖尔加朵饰演的神奇女侠,成为正义联盟中的一员。 Aquaman – which stars Momoa, Read, Willem Dafoe, Nicole Kidman and Dolph Lundgren – has already been released in China, where the movie is estimated to finish its debut weekend with a box-office gross of $80 million. 海王的演员阵容有莫玛,里德,威廉达福、妮可基德曼和杜夫朗格,该影片已经在中国上映,预计首映一周票房可达到8000万美金。 The film does not reach UK cinemas until the 14 December. 该影片会在12月14日在英国上映。 (翻译:林浔鸥) |