Hennes & Mauritz has teamed with Eytys for a gender neutral collection due early next year, targeting younger consumers with a fashion-forward offer. HM与鞋履品牌Eytys达成合作,将于明年初发布中性风服饰,意在瞄准年轻市场。 The fast-fashion retailer will sell the Swedish label's chunky-soled shoes and clothing for adults as well as items for children, starting Jan. 24 in some stores around the world and online. HM将售卖Eytys该瑞典品牌的厚底鞋和服饰,从1月24日起在全球线上线下商店同步发售成人和儿童衣服。 The collaboration comes as the Swedish retailer undergoes a vast restructuring in a bid to beef up online services and speed up supply chains to catch up with rivals. The group last month said it would close Cheap Monday, a label geared to younger clients. 此次合作源于Eytys,Eytys致力内部重组,加强线上服务,完善供给链以和对手抗衡。上月,Eytys宣布将关闭旗下的针对年轻用户的品牌Cheap Monday。 “The collection is all about proportions — creating a distinct unisex silhouette by playing around with loose silhouettes and chunky architectural footwear,” said Max Schiller, Eytys creative director. Cheap Monday创意总监麦克斯说:“这个系列里比例很重要,我们打造的是独特的中性风,线条粗狂,鞋子厚底。” Colors will include dark green, bright yellow, khaki, dark blue, black and white, while materials will include snakeskin prints, fake patent leather and stiff cotton. Shoes will be offered in boxes decorated with artwork by painter Zoe Barcza. 可能会出深绿色、亮黄色、卡其色、深蓝色、黑白等色系,材质有蛇皮革、印花、人造皮、硬条棉等。鞋盒的设计由画家索伊·巴萨执笔。 According to H&M's statement, the retailer initially approached the label for a shoe collection but then decided on a full range of clothing and accessories, too, in order to show the “whole brand aesthetic and ethos,” according to Ross Lydon, whose title is acting head of men’s wear design and H&M. 在HM的声明中,原本H&M只打算和Eytys合作鞋子,后来才决定服饰和配饰都开展合作,男装设计总监罗斯说:“都是为了展示Eytys的审美和气质”。 “With this collaboration, we hope to introduce the H&M customer to our design philosophy of robust and fuss-free design where function triumphs embellishment” and styles that span genders, Schiller said. 麦克斯说:“此次合作我们希望能为HM的顾客介绍Eytys的设计理念——坚定而简洁,实用性远大于装饰感。”风格不限于单一性别。 (翻译:阿忙) |