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George and Amail Chooney are all but confirmed to be among the godparents of Prince Harry and Meghan's first-born child, DailyMail.com can reveal.


George's cousin Ben Breslin exclusively told the 57-year-old would make a 'wonderful' godfather to the royal couple's baby, saying: 'I'm all for it.

乔治的表兄Ben Breslin称,现年57岁的乔治会成为这个拥有王室父母孩子的“完美”教父。据他称,“已经完全准备好,就等着宝宝出生了。”

George and Amal, a British human-rights lawyer who shares a long-standing friendship with Meghan, are believed to socialize regularly with the royals.



The Hollywood glamour pair flew Meghan and Harry via private jet to George's luxury residence on Lake Como after their May nuptials, where they received a crash course in parenting after meeting the pair's one-year-old twins, Ella and Alexander.

这对好莱坞明星夫妇在哈里夫妇在5月结婚以后邀请他们乘坐私人飞机来到乔治位于科莫湖的豪华府邸,在那里哈里夫妇见到了乔治夫妇1岁大的双胞胎Ella 和 Alexander上了新手爸妈的速成班。

A source close to both famous couples told: 'Amal and Meghan have been close for years, and Harry and George have become buddies because of that.


'They're much closer than the headlines let on.'


In a testament to their strong ties, Harry and Meghan are expected to attend a dinner party next month at George and Amal's London home, with Barack and Michelle Obama on the star-studded guest list.


But it's not just George's Hollywood connections that have him on Harry's radar as a godparent – in fact, his cousin Ben confirms it's all about Amal, who Meghan considers an incredible role model.


He said: 'Amal is beautiful and wonderful and a great addition to our family. We've loved her ever since we met her.'



