Too much sleep could be linked to heart problems and premature death, research has revealed. 研究表明,睡得太多可能会导致心脏病或早逝。 A study found people who slept longer than eight hours had a higher risk of dying or developing diseases of the heart or blood vessels in the brain compared to those who slept for between six and eight hours. 一项研究发现,与那些睡眠在6~8小时之间的人相比,睡眠超过8小时的人罹患心脏病或脑血管疾病或因此而死亡的机率更高。 “Sleep is essential to human health, and people spend about a third of their hours sleeping,” the team of international researchers wrote. “睡眠对人类的健康是必要的,人一生中约三分之一的时间都在睡觉,”这个国际研究员团队写道。 “It is increasingly regarded as an important lifestyle behaviour that can affect cardiovascular disease (CVD) and death.” “睡眠已日益被当成能够引起心血管疾病和死亡的一种重要的生活行为。” Compared to people who slept six to eight hours, those who slept a total of eight to nine hours a day had a 5 per cent increased risk. 与那些一天睡眠在6~8小时之间的人相比,睡眠在8~9小时的人罹患心血管疾病的机率要高5%。 Those sleeping between nine and 10 hours a day had an increased risk of 17 per cent – and those sleeping more than 10 hours a day carried a 41 per cent increased risk of cardiovascular disease or death. 那些一天睡眠在9~10小时之间的人罹患心血管疾病或死亡的机率要高17%,而那些睡眠超过10小时的人患病或死亡的机率则要高41%。 The researchers also found a 9 per cent increased risk for people who slept a total of six or fewer hours. 研究人员还发现,睡眠为6小时或不足六小时的人患病的风险要高9%。 Lead researcher Chuangshi Wang said: “Our study shows that the optimal duration of estimated sleep is six to eight hours per day for adults.” 这项研究的主导研究员王创时表示,“我们的研究表明,成年人一天睡眠的预估最佳时长是6~8小时。” Co- researcher Professor Salim Yusuf added: “The general public should ensure that they get about six to eight hours of sleep a day. 共同研究员萨利姆·约瑟夫教授补充道:“公众应确保自己每天睡6~8小时。 “On the other hand, if you sleep too much regularly, say more than nine hours a day, then you may want to visit a doctor to check your overall health.” “否则,如果你经常睡太久,例如一天超过9小时,那么你可能需要去看医生,检查一下自己整体的健康状况。” (翻译:Dlacus) |