Don't we all love a good Samaritan to tell our cold hearts that there is indeed good in all of us? 我们都喜爱乐善好施的人,来证明在我们冷酷的心中确实存在着善意。 A Chinese lady was seen photographed carrying an umbrella and holding it for a Sikh uncle at a junction, in a photo shared by Facebook user Jonathan Vendi Saturday (Dec 8) on the 50 Shades Brighter (Singapore) Facebook group. 一位中国女士被拍到在十字路口给一位印度锡克教徒大叔撑伞。12月8日,这周六,这张照片被一位名叫Jonathan Vendi的脸书使用者,用阴影和亮度50(新加坡)传到了脸书上。 In the photo, the woman is seen barely covering herself with the umbrella while the Sikh uncle is protected from the rain by the umbrella. 在这张照片中,这位女士把伞几乎都遮了这位印度锡克教徒大叔让他免受雨水,自己几乎都暴露在遮挡之外。 The post was reshared Sunday (Dec 9) on All Singapore Stuff's Facebook page and has gotten love from Facebook users who commended the lady on her selfless act. 这张照片在12月9日全新加坡的脸书上分享转发,她的这种无私行为得到了脸书用户的喜爱。 Other Facebook groups have sprouted too, focusing specifically on “good news” where people can post good deeds that are happening around them. The Straits Times is the owner of a Facebook group called “What's Good” where users are encouraged to share what’s good in their community. 其他脸书团队也开始发起行动, 呼吁关注人们把自己身边的“正能量”,把发生在身边的好人好事拍摄下来。《新加坡海峡时报》是一家名叫“发生了什么好事?(“What’s Good”)脸书团队鼓励人们分享在周围的好人好事。 (翻译:林浔鸥) |