I'm honestly fed up with all the bad news everywhere. I am not a journalist or an influencer, but I want to use my art to spread some positivity. 2018年,世界各地爆出了许多负面的新闻,这真让人厌倦。虽然我不是记者,也不是知名人士,但我想用自己的方式,传播一些正能量! I wanted to create something positive as an anti-venom to the vitriolic rhetoric that pervades our media. 希望能有一些正能量,像血清一样缓解如今社交网络里遍布的尖酸刻薄的风气。 That's why I want to share some of this year's positive news from around the world in the hope that it brings you some happiness and inspires you to spread some good news yourself! 所以,我想和大家分享一些今年在世界各地发生的正面新闻,希望它们能为你带来一丝幸福感,鼓励你自己也去传播一些正面的新闻! Art, technology, food, science, animal rights, human rights... we have progressed in so many categories and it's necessary to let the world know that, despite having much more to do, we've accomplished some amazing things in 2018. 艺术,科技,美食,理论科学,动物权宜,人权……在这一年里,人类在方方面面都举得了长足的进步。我觉得有必要让全世界知道,尽管任重而道远,在2018年,我们已经取得了卓越的成就!
1.France was the first country to ban supermarkets from throwing away excess food. They must donate unused food or face a fine. 在今年,法国成为第一个禁止超市弃置过剩食物的国家。这项法令规定,超市必须将未售出的食物捐赠出去,后者将面临罚款。 This is great. Here in Brazil, supermarkets and restaurants avoid donating food even when they actually wanted to because the food donated continues to be the donor's responsibility, so if, for example, it' poorly transported or stored and goes bad and someone eats it and gets sick, it's your store that will get in trouble even if it was fine when you donated, so they're all scared of donating. 这真是太棒了。在我们巴西,超市和餐馆即使有心想要捐赠食物,也会避免这样做,因为食品安全问题会最终追究到捐赠者头上,如此一来,如果食物由于运输过程中处理不当,或存储方式不当导致食物变质,受捐赠的人食用后致病,捐赠食品的商家就会被追究,即使在你捐赠食品的时候,食品没有出现质量问题,你还是会陷入麻烦。所以许多商家都不敢捐赠食品。
2.Beer company creates six pack rings that feed turtles instead of killing them. 一家啤酒厂生产出了一种特殊的六连罐包装,不仅不会让海龟致死,还能让它们美餐一顿。 The name of the Brewery is Saltwater Brewery. All of the rings are made out of the barley and grains used in the brewing process. So they are completely edible by humans and sea creatures. 这家啤酒厂的名字叫“咸水啤酒”,该厂新生产出的六连罐包装是用啤酒酿制过程中使用的大麦和谷物制成,完全可以食用,不光海洋动物能吃,人也可以吃哟。
3.France becomes first country in Europe to ban all five pesticides killing bees. 法国成为欧洲第一个禁止所有五种可能杀死蜜蜂的杀虫剂的国家。 love bees and now love more France 喜欢蜜蜂,现在对法国好感更甚了!
4.Scotland ‘first country in world’ to give free sanity products to women on low incomes and students. 苏格兰成为世界上第一个地方,对低收入的女性和学生提供免费的卫生用品。 Fantastic that they acknowledge it's a basic necessity and support women of low means. 表示赞许!他们明白,这是女性的基本生理现象,同时,支持低收入的女性群体也是十分必要的!
5.The number of tigers in the wild in Nepal have almost doubled in under a decade. 在过去不到十年的时间里,尼泊尔的野生老虎数量已经增长了将近一倍。 What a wonderful news! I did'nt know that! Fantastic!!!!!!! 这个消息太棒啦!我还不知道呢!振奋人心!
6.Doctors in rural Rwanda are now able to order blood and medical supplies by text message and then have them delivered by a drone. 卢旺达乡村地区的医生可以预定治疗所需的血浆和医疗用品那!他们只需要对相关机构发送短信,对方就会用无人机把所需物资寄给他们! This is the kind of things drones should be used for. 这才是无人机的正当用途。
7.1.5m volunteer in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh set a new world record: they planted 66 million trees in just 12 hours. 印度中央邦的150万志愿者创下了一项新的世界纪录:他们种植了6600万棵树,只用了12个小时! This is amazing. 真不敢相信!
8.A south Korean court has ruled the killing of dogs for meat is illegal in landmark ruling. 韩国的一个地方法规规定,杀害并食用犬类是违法行为,这将具有重大意义! YES! Dogs are friends, not food. 没错,犬类是我们的朋友,不是食物!
9.California just become the first State to ban beauty products tested on animals. 加利佛尼亚成为世界上第一个禁止在动物身上试验美容产品的地区。 Hard to imagine that there are still companies testing on animals. 世界上仍然有许多美容公司进行动物试验,真让人难以想象!
10.Giant Pandas are no longer endangered and China is going to build a massive $1.5B panda conservation park. 熊猫已经不再是濒危动物。中国打算斥资15亿美元建造一座熊猫保护公园。 We all love Pandas. 我们都喜欢熊猫。
11.Portugal has banned the use of wild animals in circuses by 2024 with a new law passed by parliament. 葡萄牙的国会通过了一项新法案,到2024年,将禁止利用野生动物在马戏团演出。 New Jersey has become the first state in the USA to ban elephants and other exotic animals from traveling performances. 新西兰成为美国第一个地区,禁止使用大象等野生动物在各地巡回演出。
12.Italian town enacts law requiring silent fireworks to alleviate pet stress and anxiety. 意大利某地区出台了法律规定,必须使用消音的烟花爆竹,以避免宠物因为烟花的巨响产生紧张和焦虑情绪。 Huh in Poland several cities decided to ban fireworks on new year because of animals. 在波兰许多城市将从明年起禁止燃放烟花,也是为了保护动物权益。
(翻译:小木) |