When expressing large numbers (more than one hundred) read in groups of hundreds. The order is as follows: billion, million, thousand, hundred. Notice that hundred, thousand, etc. is NOT followed by an ‘s’. Two hundred NOT two hundreds. 在读较大的数字(超过一百)时,可以整百整百地读。顺序如下:十亿、百万、千、百。注意,百、千等后面不用加-s。两百(two hundred)不要读作two hundreds。 NOTE: British English takes 'and' between 'hundred and ...' American English omits 'and'. In the examples below, this is represented by (AND). 注意:英式英语在一百后面的数之前会加and,而美式英语则会省略。在下面的例子中,就有and的用法。 1.Hundreds 百数 350 – three hundred (AND) fifty 425 – four hundred (AND) twenty five 873 - eight hundred (AND) seventy three 112 - one hundred (AND) twelve 2.Thousands 千数 15,560 – fifteen thousand five hundred (AND) sixty 786,450 – seven hundred (AND) six thousand four hundred (AND) fifty 342,713 - three hundred (AND) forty-two thousand seven hundred (AND) thirteen 569,045 - five hundred (AND) sixty nine thousand forty-five 3.Millions 百万 2,450,000 – two million four hundred (AND) fifty thousand 234,700,000 或者two hundred (AND) thirty-four million seven hundred thousand Speaking About Numbers 关于数字 Numbers are read in a specific manner in English. Read numbers in groups of three in the following manner in English: 英语中数字的读法有一套具体的规则。在下面的数字中,分三组读出来。 million, thousand, hundred 百万,千,万 2,350,400 => two million three hundred (AND) fifty thousand four hundred NOTE - Remember: Use ‘and’ only between hundreds in British English. American English leaves the ‘and’ out. 注意:记住,在英式英语中,只有在百位数中间才使用and。美式英语中则不用and。 4.Decimals 小数 Read decimals as the given number point XYZ 根据给出的数字读出小数 2.36 - two point three six 14.82 - fourteen point eight two 9.7841 -nine point seven eight four one 3.14159 - three point one four one five nine 5.Percentages 百分数 Read percentages as the number followed by ‘percent’ 读出百分数的数字,后面跟上percent。 37% - thirty seven percent 12% - twelve percent 87% - eighty seven percent 3% - three percent 6.Fractions 分数 Read the top number as a cardinal number, followed by the ordinal number + ‘s’ 先读出分子的基数,再读出分母的叙述,最后跟上s。 3/8 - three eighths 5/16 - five sixteenths 7/8 - seven eights 1/32 - one thirty-second 注意: ¼ 读作one quarter,2/3 读作two thirds,,½ 读作one half。 7.Important Numerical Expressions 重要的数字表达式 Here are the descriptive names of a number of important numerical expressions: 这里有一些重要的数字表达式的描述性名称。 1.Speed - 100 mph (miles per hour) 速度—100mph(每小时所行英里) 读出表达速度的数字: One hundred miles per hour 2.Weight - 80 kg (kilograms) OR 42 lbs (pounds) 重量—80kg(千克)或42lbs(磅) 读出表达重量的数字: Eighty kilograms OR forty two pounds 3.Telephone number - 0171 895 7056 电话号码—0171 895 7056 读出电话号码中的每一个数字: zero one seven one eight nine five seven zero five six 4.Date - 12/04/65 read dates month, day, year in the US or day, month, year in the UK 日期—12/04/65 美式英语中按照月、日、年顺序,英式英语按照日、月、年顺序。 5.Temperature - 28° C (celsius) OR 72° F (fahrenheit) 温度—28° C(摄氏度)或72° F(华氏度) Read temperature as "degrees +number": twenty eight degrees celsius OR seventy two degrees fahrenheit 在读度数的时候,按照“度数+单位”的顺序:twenty eight degrees celsius或seventy two degrees fahrenheit。 6.Height (高度)- 1 m 89 cm / 6'2'' Read height first meters then centimeters, or feet then inches: one meter eight nine centimeters or 6'' 2' six feet two inches. 先读米,再读厘米,或者先读尺,再读英寸:one meter eight nine centimeters or 6'' 2' six feet two inches。 7.Price (价格)- $60 Read the currency first then the number: Sixty dollars 读货币时,先读数字,再读单位。 8.Fraction (分数)- 8/13 Read a fraction as the number over a decimal: eight thirteenths 读分数,按照十进制方式读:eight thirteenths。 9.Score (比分)- 2-1 Read scores as "number + to + number": Two to one. 比分读作“数字+数字”:Two to one 10.Ordinal Numbers 序数词 Ordinal numbers are used when speaking about the place in something such as in competitions. Most numbers end in 'th', except first, second, and third of every ten numbers. 序数词一般在某地的位置时才会用到,例如比赛。大多数序数词以th结尾,除了整十数字中的第一,第二或第三个。 1st - first 2nd - second 3rd - third 17th - seventeenth 8th - eighth 21 - twenty first 46 - forty sixth 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |