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2018.12.31 周一 Monday collide /kə'laid/ v. 碰撞、冲突 The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel premiered Wednesday, Dec. 5 on Amazon. It has a lot to prove coming into its second season. 《了不起的麦瑟尔女士》已经在12月5号(周三)在亚马逊平台开播了。对于这部刚刚进入第二季的剧,大家的期望可谓相当重。 The Amazon comedy cleaned up at the Emmys, including wins for writing, directing and best comedy series, putting the pressure on Season 2 to live up to Season 1's gold-draped high bar. 这部亚马逊的喜剧之前横扫了艾美奖,包揽了最佳剧本、最佳导演、最佳喜剧片等一系列奖项;第一季这金碧辉煌的成绩为第二季带来了不小的压力。 Season 2 is definitely more ambitious than the first effort — if this season doesn't add a production design Emmy to the collection it will be a TV crime — but the first five episodes screened for critics leave it unclear whether Season 2 actually surpasses its immaculate predecessor. 第二季的野心显然比第一季要大——如果这一季没能拿下艾美奖最佳制片,那对电视界来说真是罪孽深重——然而,在影评界内部放映的前五集却让人不确定这一季是不是真能赶超第一季。 The crux of Season 1 was not just Midge discovering her hidden talent as a stand-up comedienne, but the struggle to foster her hidden passion while trying to maintain some semblance of perfection as her personal life fell apart. 第一季的核心并不只是米琪发现自己作为单口相声演员的隐藏天赋,还包括她在生活分崩离析时的挣扎:一边为自己内心热爱的事业奋斗,一边试图维持完美生活的假象。 The juice of the season was the dichotomy between Midge on stage, unpolished and unfiltered, and the Midge presented to her family and friends trying to keep it together after her husband left her for another woman. 整个第一季最大的看点是米琪这个角色体现出的割裂感:一面是舞台上狂放、不加修饰的米琪,另一面是那个在丈夫另寻新欢之后仍要在家人、朋友面前故作镇定的米琪。 Part of what makes the Season 1 finale, which won Brosnahan her Emmy, was those two worlds colliding and what that could mean for Midge in the future. 而第一季的化龙点睛之笔正是这两个平行世界间的大撞车,以及这次碰撞对米琪前途的意义,而主演布罗斯纳安也正是因此获得了当年的艾美奖。 Midge needs to face a real challenge for us to see Midge grow. That challenge arrives midway through the season so we can't say whether Midge, and Maisel Season 2, rise to it, but we can say that we're very eager to find out. 如果我们想看到米琪的成长,那米琪就必须经历些货真价实的挑战。这一挑战会在这一季的中部到来,所以现在我们还不知道米琪能不能扛得住,也不知道第二季是不是能达到我们的期待。但有一点我们是很清楚的,那就是我们全都很期待。
今日词汇 collide /kə'laid/ v. 碰撞、冲突
这个词可以表示物理意义上的“碰撞”,而且是后果很严重的碰撞。 例如: The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog. 那辆小轿车和那辆货车在浓雾中迎头相撞了。 如果要说“A撞了B”,需要用上with 例如: As he fell, his head collided with the table. 他跌倒时头部撞上了桌子。 此外,它也可以表示观念、意见之间“相冲突”、“严重不一致”。 They regularly collide with each other over policy decisions. 他们经常在政策决策上发生冲突。 Their decisions usually collide with each other's. 他们的决策通常都是相冲突的。