The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have announced the finalists for 2018. 2018年角逐最风趣野生动物摄影奖的终选名单已经宣布啦! Anyone can enter the competition with their funny pictures, and Tom says that the wildlife photographers are a mix of around 30% professional and 70% amateur , which makes for a broader variety of animals photographed. The message that the organizers want to promote is one of wildlife conservation. “Our strong belief here at Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is that the smallest thing can help conservation,” Tom explained. 只要拍出了风趣的照片,任何人都可以参与这个奖项的竞选。据这一奖项的发起人Tom称,拍摄野生动物的摄影师属于动物摄影师这一类别, 其中有30%的专业摄影师和70%的业余摄影师。这一奖项的筹办者想要宣扬的理念是动物保护。“围绕着最风趣野生动物摄影奖,我们有一个坚定的信念,那就是,最微小的举动,也能为动物保护的事业添砖加瓦。”Tom解释说。 “In 20 years some researchers estimate that elephants may well be gone from East Africa. Lions would be the next to follow. It is pretty grim reading, so ultimately we think the smallest snowflake could help turn into the biggest snowball. We just need to create lots of snowflakes!” “有专家称,预计在未来20年内,东非地区的大象将会绝迹。随后狮子也会消失。这样的消息已经给我们敲响了警钟。最终我们决定,星星之火,可以燎原,只要每个人出一份力,就能变成一股强劲的助力,让严峻的情势得以扭转!我们需要人人都来发光发热!” So scroll down below to have a few belly laughs at the cheeky animals, get voting! Or maybe you'll get inspired in photographing wildlife yourself! 往下翻,看看这些涎皮的动物,他们一定会让你捧腹大笑。为他们投票吧!
1 Wildlife Photograbear 野生动物摄影熊师 What I find funnier is absence of anyone remotely human! Like, he can have them cameras. 我觉得更搞笑的是,周围一个人影都没有!它当然理直气壮的操控摄像机。
2 Caught In The Act 当场逮住 "Wooah there, everybody just calm down!" “噢天呐,冷静!大家冷静!”
3. Happy 开怀一刻 "And then the hooman said: please don't eat me" “……然后那个人类说,求求你别吃我!”
4. Rhinopeacock 犀孔雀 He got a beautiful tutu 他的小裙裙真好看
5. Split 劈叉 Jean-Claude van Squirrel 松鼠动作巨星
6. Mother Returned From Her Parents Meeting From School 妈妈开完家长会回来了 Did you know that bears give birth during their hibernation and the cubs then just suckle on her during her sleep? 你们知道吗,熊宝宝一般是在妈妈冬眠的时候出生的,熊宝宝出生后会自己乖乖吃奶,妈妈可以继续睡觉!
7.Have A Headache 脑壳疼 "honey, just don't..." “别这样,宝贝!”
8. The Black Skimmer Gang 黑剪嘴鸥帮 I wonder when their album drops. 他们什么时候会出写真集?
9. Hot Kiss 热吻 That's an amazing photo! Love the different fin shapes. 多美妙的相片!他们的背鳍形状不一样!
10. Drive Safe 安全出行! The bear can read and is stopping for a bus? 这只熊会读标志,守在路边等着巴士?
11. Peek A Boo 躲猫猫 Can an owl get some privacy while going potty? 本猫头鹰正在嗯嗯,就不能尊重一下我的隐私吗?
12. Crouching Tiger Peeking Moose 藏起来偷瞄 Aw! The moose's face is so adorable. 噢!那只麋鹿看起来好可爱!
13. Yoga Bear 北极熊 Downward dog? sideward panda. 下犬式!侧熊式!一起来练瑜伽吧!
14. Cheeky 做鬼脸 Derp! 略略略~
15. The People Are Back 人类又回来了(烦~) Someone was raised by ostriches . 某熊难道是鸵鸟养大的?
16 Bullies 抢劫! "Please don't take my fish, guys! I have a wife and three pups!" 求你们别抢我的鱼,我妻子还等着我回家呢,我还有三个孩子!
17 This Is Sparta 穿越到了斯巴达 When the kids don't want to go to bed for nap.. 又名,当孩子们拒绝午睡的时候……
18 Tango 探戈舞 The bears are staring at each other like: "honey, I dont think the hoomans should be seeing us dancing" 两只熊默默看着对方,心里在说,“亲爱的,我们这儿跳舞呢,别让人类这样盯着我们。”
19.Astonished Lemur 受惊的狐猴 *in a posh accent* "Oh, how dare you!" (倒吸一口冷气)你居然敢……
20. Flying Hyena 挥着翅膀的土狼 "It's behind me, right??!!!" “它就在我背后,对不对?!”
(翻译:小木) |