HBO dropped a trailer for their highly anticipated 2019 shows on Sunday. 周日,HBO发布度备受期待的2019年美剧预告片。 Along with shots of the return of Veep and Game of Thrones, viewers got a peak at the second season of Big Little Lies. 一同播放的预告片有回归的美剧《副总统》和《权力的游戏》,但观众们看到《大小谎言》第二季时,非常激动。 Stars Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, Zoe Kravitz, Nicole Kidman and Laura Dern were featured in the teaser all in a precarious position. 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭、谢琳·伍德蕾、佐伊·克拉维茨、妮可·基德曼和劳拉·邓恩等明星都出现在了预告片中,而她们处境都很危险。 Following the shocking murder twist at the end of season one, the ladies of Monterey were seen still in their party clothes from the final scene standing in a police lineup. 剧情延续了第一季结尾震惊的谋杀事件,蒙特雷的女士们仍然穿着派对时的衣服,指认罪犯。 The theme of the season one finale's soiree was Elvis and Audrey Hepburn so the group was all in different costumes from films like Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady. 第一季大结局晚会的主题是猫王和奥黛丽·赫本,所以大家都穿着《蒂凡尼的早餐》和《窈窕淑女》等电影里的服装。 Reese, Shailene, Zoe, Nicole and Laura all stood with their backs to a wall holding cards with numbers one through five in the shot, looking a little worse for the wear. 瑞茜、谢琳、佐伊、妮可和劳拉都背靠着墙站着,手里拿着从1号到5号的卡片,照片里看起来有些狼狈。 Other quick shots showed an intense looking Reese who plays Madeline. 其他抓拍镜头中,饰演玛德琳的瑞茜看起来很紧张。 Viewers also got to peep a shot of Meryl Streep who is joining the cast this season. 视频中,新加入的梅丽尔·斯特里普一闪而过。 The hit HBO show is coming back for season two sometime in 2019 and the cast finished filming over the summer. 这部HBO电视台大热美剧的第二季会在2019年播出,将于夏天杀青。 All of the show's leading ladies from season one will return for the new episodes and the show, which already boasts an incredible roster of A-listers, will get an infusion of new celebrity clout with the addition of Meryl. 第一季的所有女主角都将回归,而梅丽尔的加入让本剧的巨星阵容更加强大。 Witherspoon, whose production company makes the show, will return as producer as well as star. 威瑟斯彭的制作公司是这部剧的制作方,她制片并主演了该剧。 She and Nicole Kidman, who also serves as producer, will each receive a significant salary bump, and will make 'around $1 million an episode' for season two. 她和同样担任制片人的妮可·基德曼的片酬都将大幅提高,第二季的片酬将达到单集100万美元左右。 Co-stars Kravitz, Dern, and Woodley will reportedly get raises as well. 据报道,联合主演克拉维茨、德恩和伍德利也会加薪。 (翻译:球球) |