2019.01.22 周二 Tuesday sordid /'sɔ:did/ adj. 肮脏的 What was your worst first date experience? Presumably it was worth grumbling about more than this picky lady’s anecdote. 你和一个人第一次约会时,碰见过最糟心的事情是什么?不管是什么,我猜都比这位挑剔小姐的经历要有意思。 The popular girls’ Internet forum, Girls Channel, is a place where many women congregate to chat about all kinds of topics: not only date talk, but pop culture, hobbies and health as well. “女孩频道”是一个时下当红的网络平台,女人们聚在这里谈论各种话题:不光有约会的事,还有流行文化、兴趣、健康以及等等等等。 One woman seeking validation for her bad date experiences took to Girls Channel to write out the sordid details. 有一个想要发泄的女人在女孩频道上写下了她那糟糕的约会经历,把各种肮脏的细节都写得一清二楚。 Title: Is it OK to wear cheap fashion on your first date, or no good? 那条博文的标题是:第一次约会的时候穿便宜衣服,合适吗? “......When I checked the tags, I saw his coat was H&M and the overshirt was from Uniqlo! I was kind of disappointed he wore such casual fashion even though it was our first date together… Oh, by the way, I couldn’t tell how much his shoes cost but they looked like cheap leather ones.” “……我查看了他衣服的商标,外套是HM的,夹克竟然是优衣库的!他在我们第一次约会的时候竟然穿得这么随便,我真的有点失望……另外,我看不出他的鞋子是多少钱,不过看起来也是便宜的皮货。” Girls Channel operates on an “upvote” system, so the most approved comments quickly rise to the top. At the time of writing, the top comment is a curt one: 女孩频道采用的是“赞同”模式的运营系统,所以那些认可人数最多的评论很快就会被顶上楼顶。在这篇文章成文的时候,位于楼顶的那条评论很简单: “I can’t stand people who only care about top brands.” “我受不了那些眼里只有名牌的人。” The other high-ranked comments are similarly damning, and definitely weren’t rushing to validate the woman’s hasty judgement about her date’s style choices. 其他排行很高的评论也都是差不多的批评态度,而且显然不认可这位女士这种用穿衣来评判第一次约会的行为。 “And who are you to judge, exactly?” “你又凭什么对这个评头论足?资质是啥?” “If it suits them, I don’t really care at all.” “如果和他们本人很搭,我其实不介意。” “I don’t like people who check other people’s brands that thoroughly.” “我不喜欢这种把别人身上的牌子看得那么细的人。” “I actually prefer people who aren’t concerned with fashion, haha. But guys who are obsessed with brands are kind of a turnoff.” “我其实更喜欢那些不在乎时尚的人,哈哈。而且那些痴迷于品牌的男生反而让我没胃口。” Perhaps the most cutting remark was “What, and you were dressed head-to-toe in Chanel?” which drives home the point perfectly. 其中最一针见血的评论可能是“所以?你从头到脚穿的是香奈儿啊?”完美点题。 Most of the commenters seemed to agree that so long as their date was clean, dressed appropriately and an all-round nice person, they really couldn’t care less how they were dressed. 大部分的评论者似乎都认同一个点:只要她们的约会对象干净、得体、人不错,那她们根本就不在乎他们怎么穿衣服。 As another commenter mentioned, “sounds like you care more about the way he’s dressed than the guy himself”. 正如另一条评论提到的:“听起来你似乎更关心他穿什么衣服,而不是他本人。”
今日词汇 sordid /'sɔ:did/ adj. 肮脏的
这个词的基础意思是“肮脏的”,指的是物理上的肮脏。 There are people out there living in sordid conditions. 世界上有些人生活在污秽不堪的居住环境里。 此外,它也能表示品德上的“卑劣”、“丑恶”、“无耻”。 It was a shock to discover the truth about his sordid past. 当我们发现他以往的丑恶行径时,真的很吃惊。